# include <FS.h>
# include <SPIFFS.h>
# include <WiFi.h>
# include <WebServer.h>
# include "esp32/rom/rtc.h"
# include "esp32s2/rom/rtc.h"
# include "esp32c3/rom/rtc.h"
# include "esp32s3/rom/rtc.h"
# else
# error Target CONFIG_IDF_TARGET is not supported
# endif
WebServer server ( 80 ) ;
void console_dbg ( String msg ) {
Serial . print ( " [Webserver] " ) ;
Serial . println ( msg ) ;
bool exists ( String path ) {
bool yes = false ;
File file = SPIFFS . open ( path , " r " ) ;
if ( ! file . isDirectory ( ) ) {
yes = true ;
file . close ( ) ;
return yes ;
String console_get_content_type ( String filename ) {
if ( server . hasArg ( " download " ) ) {
return " application/octet-stream " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .htm " ) ) {
return " text/html " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .html " ) ) {
return " text/html " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .css " ) ) {
return " text/css " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .js " ) ) {
return " application/javascript " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .png " ) ) {
return " image/png " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .gif " ) ) {
return " image/gif " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .jpg " ) ) {
return " image/jpeg " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .ico " ) ) {
return " image/x-icon " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .xml " ) ) {
return " text/xml " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .pdf " ) ) {
return " application/x-pdf " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .zip " ) ) {
return " application/x-zip " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .gz " ) ) {
return " application/x-gzip " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .whl " ) ) {
return " application/octet-stream " ;
return " text/plain " ;
bool console_serve_file ( String path ) {
console_dbg ( " Request for: " + path ) ;
if ( path . endsWith ( " / " ) ) {
path + = " index.html " ;
String content_type = console_get_content_type ( path ) ;
String pathWithGz = path + " .gz " ;
if ( exists ( pathWithGz ) | | exists ( path ) ) {
if ( exists ( pathWithGz ) ) {
path + = " .gz " ;
File file = SPIFFS . open ( path , " r " ) ;
console_dbg ( " Serving file to client " ) ;
server . streamFile ( file , content_type ) ;
console_dbg ( " Closing file " ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
console_dbg ( " File serving done " ) ;
return true ;
console_dbg ( " Error: Could not open file for serving " ) ;
return false ;
void console_register_pages ( ) {
server . onNotFound ( [ ] ( ) {
if ( ! console_serve_file ( server . uri ( ) ) ) {
server . send ( 404 , " text/plain " , " Not Found " ) ;
} ) ;
void console_start ( ) {
Serial . println ( " " ) ;
console_dbg ( " Starting Access Point... " ) ;
WiFi . softAP ( bt_devname ) ;
delay ( 150 ) ;
IPAddress ip ( 10 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
IPAddress nm ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ;
WiFi . softAPConfig ( ip , ip , nm ) ;
if ( ! SPIFFS . begin ( true ) ) {
console_dbg ( " Error: Could not mount SPIFFS " ) ;
return ;
} else {
console_dbg ( " SPIFFS Ready " ) ;
console_register_pages ( ) ;
server . begin ( ) ;
led_indicate_console ( ) ;
void console_loop ( ) {
server . handleClient ( ) ;
// Internally, this yields the thread and allows
// other tasks to run.
delay ( 2 ) ;
// void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){
// Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\r\n", dirname);
// File root = fs.open(dirname);
// if(!root){
// Serial.println("- failed to open directory");
// return;
// }
// if(!root.isDirectory()){
// Serial.println(" - not a directory");
// return;
// }
// File file = root.openNextFile();
// while(file){
// if(file.isDirectory()){
// Serial.print(" DIR : ");
// Serial.println(file.name());
// if(levels){
// listDir(fs, file.path(), levels -1);
// }
// } else {
// Serial.print(" FILE: ");
// Serial.print(file.name());
// Serial.print("\tSIZE: ");
// Serial.println(file.size());
// }
// file = root.openNextFile();
// }
// }
// void readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
// Serial.printf("Reading file: %s\r\n", path);
// File file = fs.open(path);
// if(!file || file.isDirectory()){
// Serial.println("− failed to open file for reading");
// return;
// }
// Serial.println("− read from file:");
// while(file.available()){
// Serial.write(file.read());
// }
// }