# ifndef CONFIG_H
# define CONFIG_H
# define MCU_328P 0x90
# define MCU_1284P 0x91
# define PRODUCT_RNODE 0x03
# define MODEL_A4 0xA4
# define MODEL_A9 0xA9
# if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
# define MCU_VARIANT MCU_328P
# warning "Firmware is being compiled for atmega328p based boards"
# elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
# define MCU_VARIANT MCU_1284P
# warning "Firmware is being compiled for atmega1284p based boards"
# else
# error "The firmware cannot be compiled for the selected MCU variant"
# endif
# define MTU 500
# define SINGLE_MTU 255
# define HEADER_L 1
# define CMD_L 4
// MCU dependent configuration parameters
# if MCU_VARIANT == MCU_328P
const int pin_cs = 7 ;
const int pin_reset = 6 ;
const int pin_dio = 2 ;
const int pin_led_rx = 5 ;
const int pin_led_tx = 4 ;
# define QUEUE_SIZE 0
# endif
# if MCU_VARIANT == MCU_1284P
const int pin_cs = 4 ;
const int pin_reset = 3 ;
const int pin_dio = 2 ;
const int pin_led_rx = 12 ;
const int pin_led_tx = 13 ;
# define QUEUE_SIZE 24
# endif
// MCU independent configuration parameters
const long serial_baudrate = 115200 ;
const int rssi_offset = 164 ;
const int lora_rx_turnaround_ms = 50 ;
// Default LoRa settings
int lora_sf = 0 ;
int lora_cr = 5 ;
int lora_txp = 0xFF ;
uint32_t lora_bw = 0 ;
uint32_t lora_freq = 0 ;
// Operational variables
bool radio_locked = true ;
bool radio_online = false ;
int last_rssi = - 164 ;
size_t read_len = 0 ;
uint8_t seq = 0xFF ;
uint8_t pbuf [ MTU ] ;
uint8_t sbuf [ MTU ] ;
uint8_t cbuf [ CMD_L ] ;
uint32_t stat_rx = 0 ;
uint32_t stat_tx = 0 ;
bool outbound_ready = false ;
bool stat_signal_detected = false ;
bool stat_signal_synced = false ;
bool stat_rx_ongoing = false ;
bool dcd = false ;
bool dcd_led = false ;
bool dcd_waiting = false ;
uint16_t dcd_count = 0 ;
uint16_t dcd_threshold = 15 ;
uint32_t status_interval_ms = 3 ;
uint32_t last_status_update = 0 ;
// Status flags
const uint8_t SIG_DETECT = 0x01 ;
const uint8_t SIG_SYNCED = 0x02 ;
const uint8_t RX_ONGOING = 0x04 ;
# endif