This is a copy of the community maintained fork of the open firmware which powers RNode devices. This version will have support for the hardware made by Mees Electronics.
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The cryptographic networking stack for building resilient networks anywhere. This packages requires you have `python` and `pip` installed on your computer. This should come as standard on most operating systems released since 2020.
- Verify the installed Reticulum version by running `rnstatus --version`
### Online Installation
If you are connected to the Internet, you can try to install the latest version of Reticulum via the `pip` package manager.
- Install Reticulum by running the command `pip install rns`
- Verify the installed Reticulum version by running `rnstatus --version`
### Dependencies
If the installation has problems resolving dependencies, you can try to install the `python-cryptography`, `python-netifaces` and `python-pyserial` packages from your systems package manager, if they are locally available. If this is not possible, you please read the [Getting Started section of the Reticulum Manual]({ASSET_PATH}m/gettingstartedfast.html) for more detailed information. Specifically the [Pure-Python Reticulum]({ASSET_PATH}m/gettingstartedfast.html#pure-python-reticulum) section may be of use.