import markdown
import os
import sys
import shutil
packages = {
" rns " : " rns-0.4.6-py3-none-any.whl " ,
" nomadnet " : " nomadnet-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl " ,
" lxmf " : " lxmf-0.2.8-py3-none-any.whl " ,
DEFAULT_TITLE = " RNode Bootstrap Console "
SOURCES_PATH = " ./source "
BUILD_PATH = " ./build "
PACKAGES_PATH = " ../../dist_archive "
INPUT_ENCODING = " utf-8 "
LXMF_ADDRESS = " 8dd57a738226809646089335a6b03695 "
document_start = """
< ! doctype html >
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " {ASSET_PATH} css/water.css " >
< link rel = " shortcut icon " type = " image/x-icon " href = " {ASSET_PATH} gfx/icon.png " >
< meta charset = " utf-8 " / >
< title > { PAGE_TITLE } < / title >
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " >
< / head >
< body >
< div id = " load_overlay " style = " background-color:#2a2a2f; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100 % ; height:100 % ; z-index:2000; " > < / div >
< span class = " logo " > RNode Console < / span >
{ MENU } < hr > """
document_end = """ </body></html> """
menu_md = """ <center><span class= " menu " >[Start]( {CONTENT_PATH} index.html) | [Replicate]( {CONTENT_PATH} replicate.html) | [Software]( {CONTENT_PATH} software.html) | [Guides]( {CONTENT_PATH} guides.html) | [Help](help.html) | [Contribute]( {CONTENT_PATH} contribute.html)</span></center> """
url_maps = [
# { "path": "", "target": "/.md"},
def scan_pages ( base_path ) :
files = [ file for file in os . listdir ( base_path ) if os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( base_path , file ) ) and file [ : 1 ] != " . " ]
directories = [ file for file in os . listdir ( base_path ) if os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( base_path , file ) ) and file [ : 1 ] != " . " ]
page_sources = [ ]
for file in files :
if file . endswith ( " .md " ) :
page_sources . append ( base_path + " / " + file )
for directory in directories :
page_sources . extend ( scan_pages ( base_path + " / " + directory ) )
return page_sources
def get_prop ( md , prop ) :
try :
pt = " [ " + prop + " ]: <> ( "
pp = md . find ( pt )
if pp != - 1 :
ps = pp + len ( pt )
pe = md . find ( " ) " , ps )
return md [ ps : pe ]
else :
return None
except Exception as e :
print ( " Error while extracting topic property: " + str ( e ) )
return None
def list_topic ( topic ) :
base_path = SOURCES_PATH + " / " + topic
files = [ file for file in os . listdir ( base_path ) if os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( base_path , file ) ) and file [ : 1 ] != " . " and file != " " ]
topic_entries = [ ]
for file in files :
if file . endswith ( " .md " ) :
fp = base_path + " / " + file
f = open ( fp , " rb " )
link_path = fp . replace ( SOURCES_PATH , " . " ) . replace ( " .md " , " .html " )
md = f . read ( ) . decode ( INPUT_ENCODING )
topic_entries . append ( {
" title " : get_prop ( md , " title " ) ,
" image " : get_prop ( md , " image " ) ,
" date " : get_prop ( md , " date " ) ,
" excerpt " : get_prop ( md , " excerpt " ) ,
" md " : md ,
" file " : link_path
} )
topic_entries . sort ( key = lambda e : e [ " date " ] , reverse = True )
return topic_entries
def render_topic ( topic_entries ) :
md = " "
for topic in topic_entries :
md + = " <a class= \" topic_link \" href= \" " + str ( topic [ " file " ] ) + " \" > "
md + = " <span class= \" topic \" > "
md + = " <img class= \" topic_image \" src= \" " + str ( topic [ " image " ] ) + " \" /> "
md + = " <span class= \" topic_title \" > " + str ( topic [ " title " ] ) + " </span> "
md + = " <span class= \" topic_date \" > " + str ( topic [ " date " ] ) + " </span> "
md + = " <span class= \" topic_excerpt \" > " + str ( topic [ " excerpt " ] ) + " </span> "
md + = " </span> "
md + = " </a> "
return md
def generate_html ( f , root_path ) :
md = f . read ( ) . decode ( INPUT_ENCODING )
page_title = get_prop ( md , " title " )
if page_title == None :
page_title = DEFAULT_TITLE
else :
page_title + = " | " + DEFAULT_TITLE
tt = " { TOPIC: "
tp = md . find ( tt )
if tp != - 1 :
ts = tp + len ( tt )
te = md . find ( " } " , ts )
topic = md [ ts : te ]
rt = tt + topic + " } "
tl = render_topic ( list_topic ( topic ) )
print ( " Found topic: " + str ( topic ) + " , rt " + str ( rt ) )
md = md . replace ( rt , tl )
menu_html = markdown . markdown ( menu_md . replace ( " {CONTENT_PATH} " , root_path ) , extensions = [ " markdown.extensions.fenced_code " ] ) . replace ( " <p></p> " , " " )
page_html = markdown . markdown ( md , extensions = [ " markdown.extensions.fenced_code " ] ) . replace ( " {ASSET_PATH} " , root_path )
page_html = page_html . replace ( " {LXMF_ADDRESS} " , LXMF_ADDRESS )
for pkg_name in packages :
page_html = page_html . replace ( " { PKG_ " + pkg_name + " } " , pkg_name + " .zip " )
page_html = page_html . replace ( " { PKG_NAME_ " + pkg_name + " } " , packages [ pkg_name ] )
page_date = get_prop ( md , " date " )
if page_date != None :
page_html = page_html . replace ( " {DATE} " , page_date )
return document_start . replace ( " {ASSET_PATH} " , root_path ) . replace ( " {MENU} " , menu_html ) . replace ( " {PAGE_TITLE} " , page_title ) + page_html + document_end
source_files = scan_pages ( SOURCES_PATH )
def fetch_reticulum_site ( ) :
r_site_path = BUILD_PATH + " /r "
if not os . path . isdir ( r_site_path ) :
shutil . copytree ( PACKAGES_PATH + " / " , r_site_path )
if os . path . isdir ( r_site_path + " /manual " ) :
shutil . rmtree ( r_site_path + " /manual " )
def gz_all ( ) :
import gzip
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( BUILD_PATH ) :
for file in files :
fpath = root + " / " + file
print ( " Gzipping " + fpath + " ... " )
f = open ( fpath , " rb " )
g = gzip . open ( fpath + " .gz " , " wb " )
g . writelines ( f )
g . close ( )
f . close ( )
os . unlink ( fpath )
from zipfile import ZipFile
for pkg_name in packages :
pkg_file = packages [ pkg_name ]
pkg_full_path = PACKAGES_PATH + " / " + pkg_file
if os . path . isfile ( pkg_full_path ) :
print ( " Including " + pkg_file )
z = ZipFile ( BUILD_PATH + " / " + pkg_name + " .zip " , " w " )
z . write ( pkg_full_path , pkg_full_path [ len ( PACKAGES_PATH + " / " ) : ] )
z . close ( )
# shutil.copy(pkg_full_path, BUILD_PATH+"/"+pkg_name)
else :
print ( " Could not find " + pkg_full_path )
exit ( 1 )
for um in url_maps :
with open ( SOURCES_PATH + " / " + um [ " target " ] , " rb " ) as f :
of = BUILD_PATH + um [ " target " ] . replace ( SOURCES_PATH , " " ) . replace ( " .md " , " .html " )
root_path = " ../ "
html = generate_html ( f , root_path )
print ( " Map path : " + str ( um [ " path " ] ) )
print ( " Map target : " + str ( um [ " target " ] ) )
print ( " Mapped root path: " + str ( root_path ) )
if not os . path . isdir ( BUILD_PATH + " / " + um [ " path " ] ) :
os . makedirs ( BUILD_PATH + " / " + um [ " path " ] , exist_ok = True )
with open ( BUILD_PATH + " / " + um [ " path " ] + " /index.html " , " wb " ) as wf :
wf . write ( html . encode ( OUTPUT_ENCODING ) )
for mdf in source_files :
with open ( mdf , " rb " ) as f :
of = BUILD_PATH + mdf . replace ( SOURCES_PATH , " " ) . replace ( " .md " , " .html " )
root_path = " ../ " * ( len ( of . replace ( BUILD_PATH + " / " , " " ) . split ( " / " ) ) - 1 )
html = generate_html ( f , root_path )
if not os . path . isdir ( os . path . dirname ( of ) ) :
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( of ) , exist_ok = True )
with open ( of , " wb " ) as wf :
wf . write ( html . encode ( OUTPUT_ENCODING ) )
fetch_reticulum_site ( )
if not " --no-gz " in sys . argv :
gz_all ( )