from __future__ import print_function
from time import sleep
import sys
import serial
import threading
import time
import math
class KISS ( ) :
FEND = chr ( 0xC0 )
FESC = chr ( 0xDB )
TFEND = chr ( 0xDC )
TFESC = chr ( 0xDD )
CMD_UNKNOWN = chr ( 0xFE )
CMD_DATA = chr ( 0x00 )
CMD_FREQUENCY = chr ( 0x01 )
CMD_BANDWIDTH = chr ( 0x02 )
CMD_TXPOWER = chr ( 0x03 )
CMD_SF = chr ( 0x04 )
CMD_CR = chr ( 0x05 )
CMD_RADIO_STATE = chr ( 0x06 )
CMD_RADIO_LOCK = chr ( 0x07 )
CMD_DETECT = chr ( 0x08 )
CMD_PROMISC = chr ( 0x0E )
CMD_READY = chr ( 0x0F )
CMD_STAT_RX = chr ( 0x21 )
CMD_STAT_TX = chr ( 0x22 )
CMD_STAT_RSSI = chr ( 0x23 )
CMD_BLINK = chr ( 0x30 )
CMD_RANDOM = chr ( 0x40 )
CMD_FW_VERSION = chr ( 0x50 )
CMD_ROM_READ = chr ( 0x51 )
DETECT_REQ = chr ( 0x73 )
DETECT_RESP = chr ( 0x46 )
RADIO_STATE_OFF = chr ( 0x00 )
RADIO_STATE_ON = chr ( 0x01 )
RADIO_STATE_ASK = chr ( 0xFF )
CMD_ERROR = chr ( 0x90 )
ERROR_INITRADIO = chr ( 0x01 )
ERROR_TXFAILED = chr ( 0x02 )
ERROR_EEPROM_LOCKED = chr ( 0x03 )
def escape ( data ) :
data = data . replace ( chr ( 0xdb ) , chr ( 0xdb ) + chr ( 0xdd ) )
data = data . replace ( chr ( 0xc0 ) , chr ( 0xdb ) + chr ( 0xdc ) )
return data
class RNodeInterface ( ) :
MTU = 500
MAX_CHUNK = 32768
FREQ_MIN = 137000000
FREQ_MAX = 1020000000
def __init__ ( self , callback , name , port , frequency = None , bandwidth = None , txpower = None , sf = None , cr = None , loglevel = - 1 , flow_control = True ) :
self . serial = None
self . loglevel = loglevel
self . callback = callback
self . name = name
self . port = port
self . speed = 115200
self . databits = 8
self . parity = serial . PARITY_NONE
self . stopbits = 1
self . timeout = 100
self . online = False
self . frequency = frequency
self . bandwidth = bandwidth
self . txpower = txpower
self . sf = sf
self . cr = cr
self . state = KISS . RADIO_STATE_OFF
self . bitrate = 0
self . r_frequency = None
self . r_bandwidth = None
self . r_txpower = None
self . r_sf = None
self . r_cr = None
self . r_state = None
self . r_lock = None
self . r_stat_rx = None
self . r_stat_tx = None
self . r_stat_rssi = None
self . r_random = None
self . packet_queue = [ ]
self . flow_control = flow_control
self . interface_ready = False
self . validcfg = True
if ( self . frequency < RNodeInterface . FREQ_MIN or self . frequency > RNodeInterface . FREQ_MAX ) :
self . log ( " Invalid frequency configured for " + str ( self ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . txpower < 0 or self . txpower > 17 ) :
self . log ( " Invalid TX power configured for " + str ( self ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . bandwidth < 7800 or self . bandwidth > 500000 ) :
self . log ( " Invalid bandwidth configured for " + str ( self ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . sf < 7 or self . sf > 12 ) :
self . log ( " Invalid spreading factor configured for " + str ( self ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( not self . validcfg ) :
raise ValueError ( " The configuration for " + str ( self ) + " contains errors, interface is offline " )
try :
self . log ( " Opening serial port " + self . port + " ... " )
self . serial = serial . Serial (
port = self . port ,
baudrate = self . speed ,
bytesize = self . databits ,
parity = self . parity ,
stopbits = self . stopbits ,
xonxoff = False ,
rtscts = False ,
timeout = 0 ,
inter_byte_timeout = None ,
write_timeout = None ,
dsrdtr = False ,
except Exception as e :
self . log ( " Could not open serial port for interface " + str ( self ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
raise e
if self . serial . is_open :
sleep ( 2.0 )
thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . readLoop )
thread . setDaemon ( True )
thread . start ( )
self . online = True
self . log ( " Serial port " + self . port + " is now open " )
self . log ( " Configuring RNode interface... " , RNodeInterface . LOG_VERBOSE )
self . initRadio ( )
if ( self . validateRadioState ( ) ) :
self . interface_ready = True
self . log ( str ( self ) + " is configured and powered up " )
sleep ( 1.0 )
else :
self . log ( " After configuring " + str ( self ) + " , the actual radio parameters did not match your configuration. " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . log ( " Make sure that your hardware actually supports the parameters specified in the configuration " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . log ( " Aborting RNode startup " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . serial . close ( )
raise IOError ( " RNode interface did not pass validation " )
else :
raise IOError ( " Could not open serial port " )
def log ( self , message , level ) :
def initRadio ( self ) :
self . setFrequency ( )
self . setBandwidth ( )
self . setTXPower ( )
self . setSpreadingFactor ( )
self . setRadioState ( KISS . RADIO_STATE_ON )
def setFrequency ( self ) :
c1 = self . frequency >> 24
c2 = self . frequency >> 16 & 0xFF
c3 = self . frequency >> 8 & 0xFF
c4 = self . frequency & 0xFF
data = KISS . escape ( chr ( c1 ) + chr ( c2 ) + chr ( c3 ) + chr ( c4 ) )
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_FREQUENCY + data + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring frequency for " + self ( str ) )
def setBandwidth ( self ) :
c1 = self . bandwidth >> 24
c2 = self . bandwidth >> 16 & 0xFF
c3 = self . bandwidth >> 8 & 0xFF
c4 = self . bandwidth & 0xFF
data = KISS . escape ( chr ( c1 ) + chr ( c2 ) + chr ( c3 ) + chr ( c4 ) )
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_BANDWIDTH + data + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring bandwidth for " + self ( str ) )
def setTXPower ( self ) :
txp = chr ( self . txpower )
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_TXPOWER + txp + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring TX power for " + self ( str ) )
def setSpreadingFactor ( self ) :
sf = chr ( self . sf )
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_SF + sf + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring spreading factor for " + self ( str ) )
def setCodingRate ( self ) :
cr = chr ( self . cr )
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_CR + cr + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring coding rate for " + self ( str ) )
def setRadioState ( self , state ) :
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_RADIO_STATE + state + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring radio state for " + self ( str ) )
def validateRadioState ( self ) :
self . log ( " Validating radio configuration for " + str ( self ) + " ... " , RNodeInterface . LOG_VERBOSE )
sleep ( 0.25 ) ;
if ( self . frequency != self . r_frequency ) :
self . log ( " Frequency mismatch " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . bandwidth != self . r_bandwidth ) :
self . log ( " Bandwidth mismatch " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . txpower != self . r_txpower ) :
self . log ( " TX power mismatch " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . sf != self . r_sf ) :
self . log ( " Spreading factor mismatch " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . validcfg = False
if ( self . validcfg ) :
return True
else :
return False
def setPromiscuousMode ( self , state ) :
if state == True :
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_PROMISC + chr ( 0x01 ) + KISS . FEND
else :
kiss_command = KISS . FEND + KISS . CMD_PROMISC + chr ( 0x00 ) + KISS . FEND
written = self . serial . write ( kiss_command )
if written != len ( kiss_command ) :
raise IOError ( " An IO error occurred while configuring promiscuous mode for " + self ( str ) )
def updateBitrate ( self ) :
try :
self . bitrate = self . r_sf * ( ( 4.0 / self . cr ) / ( math . pow ( 2 , self . r_sf ) / ( self . r_bandwidth / 1000 ) ) ) * 1000
self . bitrate_kbps = round ( self . bitrate / 1000.0 , 2 )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " On-air bitrate is now " + str ( self . bitrate_kbps ) + " kbps " , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
except :
self . bitrate = 0
def processIncoming ( self , data ) :
self . callback ( data , self )
def send ( self , data ) :
self . processOutgoing ( data )
def processOutgoing ( self , data ) :
if self . online :
if self . interface_ready :
if self . flow_control :
self . interface_ready = False
data = KISS . escape ( data )
frame = chr ( 0xc0 ) + chr ( 0x00 ) + data + chr ( 0xc0 )
written = self . serial . write ( frame )
if written != len ( frame ) :
raise IOError ( " Serial interface only wrote " + str ( written ) + " bytes of " + str ( len ( data ) ) )
else :
self . queue ( data )
def queue ( self , data ) :
self . packet_queue . append ( data )
def process_queue ( self ) :
if len ( self . packet_queue ) > 0 :
data = self . packet_queue . pop ( 0 )
self . interface_ready = True
self . processOutgoing ( data )
elif len ( self . packet_queue ) == 0 :
self . interface_ready = True
def readLoop ( self ) :
try :
in_frame = False
escape = False
command = KISS . CMD_UNKNOWN
data_buffer = " "
command_buffer = " "
last_read_ms = int ( time . time ( ) * 1000 )
while self . serial . is_open :
if self . serial . in_waiting :
byte = self . serial . read ( 1 )
last_read_ms = int ( time . time ( ) * 1000 )
if ( in_frame and byte == KISS . FEND and command == KISS . CMD_DATA ) :
in_frame = False
self . processIncoming ( data_buffer )
data_buffer = " "
command_buffer = " "
elif ( byte == KISS . FEND ) :
in_frame = True
command = KISS . CMD_UNKNOWN
data_buffer = " "
command_buffer = " "
elif ( in_frame and len ( data_buffer ) < RNodeInterface . MTU ) :
if ( len ( data_buffer ) == 0 and command == KISS . CMD_UNKNOWN ) :
command = byte
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_DATA ) :
if ( byte == KISS . FESC ) :
escape = True
else :
if ( escape ) :
if ( byte == KISS . TFEND ) :
byte = KISS . FEND
if ( byte == KISS . TFESC ) :
byte = KISS . FESC
escape = False
data_buffer = data_buffer + byte
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_FREQUENCY ) :
if ( byte == KISS . FESC ) :
escape = True
else :
if ( escape ) :
if ( byte == KISS . TFEND ) :
byte = KISS . FEND
if ( byte == KISS . TFESC ) :
byte = KISS . FESC
escape = False
command_buffer = command_buffer + byte
if ( len ( command_buffer ) == 4 ) :
self . r_frequency = ord ( command_buffer [ 0 ] ) << 24 | ord ( command_buffer [ 1 ] ) << 16 | ord ( command_buffer [ 2 ] ) << 8 | ord ( command_buffer [ 3 ] )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " Radio reporting frequency is " + str ( self . r_frequency / 1000000.0 ) + " MHz " , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
self . updateBitrate ( )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_BANDWIDTH ) :
if ( byte == KISS . FESC ) :
escape = True
else :
if ( escape ) :
if ( byte == KISS . TFEND ) :
byte = KISS . FEND
if ( byte == KISS . TFESC ) :
byte = KISS . FESC
escape = False
command_buffer = command_buffer + byte
if ( len ( command_buffer ) == 4 ) :
self . r_bandwidth = ord ( command_buffer [ 0 ] ) << 24 | ord ( command_buffer [ 1 ] ) << 16 | ord ( command_buffer [ 2 ] ) << 8 | ord ( command_buffer [ 3 ] )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " Radio reporting bandwidth is " + str ( self . r_bandwidth / 1000.0 ) + " KHz " , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
self . updateBitrate ( )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_TXPOWER ) :
self . r_txpower = ord ( byte )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " Radio reporting TX power is " + str ( self . r_txpower ) + " dBm " , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_SF ) :
self . r_sf = ord ( byte )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " Radio reporting spreading factor is " + str ( self . r_sf ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
self . updateBitrate ( )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_CR ) :
self . r_cr = ord ( byte )
self . log ( str ( self ) + " Radio reporting coding rate is " + str ( self . r_cr ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
self . updateBitrate ( )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_RADIO_STATE ) :
self . r_state = ord ( byte )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_RADIO_LOCK ) :
self . r_lock = ord ( byte )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_STAT_RX ) :
if ( byte == KISS . FESC ) :
escape = True
else :
if ( escape ) :
if ( byte == KISS . TFEND ) :
byte = KISS . FEND
if ( byte == KISS . TFESC ) :
byte = KISS . FESC
escape = False
command_buffer = command_buffer + byte
if ( len ( command_buffer ) == 4 ) :
self . r_stat_rx = ord ( command_buffer [ 0 ] ) << 24 | ord ( command_buffer [ 1 ] ) << 16 | ord ( command_buffer [ 2 ] ) << 8 | ord ( command_buffer [ 3 ] )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_STAT_TX ) :
if ( byte == KISS . FESC ) :
escape = True
else :
if ( escape ) :
if ( byte == KISS . TFEND ) :
byte = KISS . FEND
if ( byte == KISS . TFESC ) :
byte = KISS . FESC
escape = False
command_buffer = command_buffer + byte
if ( len ( command_buffer ) == 4 ) :
self . r_stat_tx = ord ( command_buffer [ 0 ] ) << 24 | ord ( command_buffer [ 1 ] ) << 16 | ord ( command_buffer [ 2 ] ) << 8 | ord ( command_buffer [ 3 ] )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_STAT_RSSI ) :
self . r_stat_rssi = ord ( byte ) - RSSI_OFFSET
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_RANDOM ) :
self . r_random = ord ( byte )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_ERROR ) :
if ( byte == KISS . ERROR_INITRADIO ) :
self . log ( str ( self ) + " hardware initialisation error (code " + self . hexrep ( byte ) + " ) " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
elif ( byte == KISS . ERROR_INITRADIO ) :
self . log ( str ( self ) + " hardware TX error (code " + self . hexrep ( byte ) + " ) " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
else :
self . log ( str ( self ) + " hardware error (code " + self . hexrep ( byte ) + " ) " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
elif ( command == KISS . CMD_READY ) :
# TODO: add timeout and reset if ready
# command never arrives
self . process_queue ( )
else :
time_since_last = int ( time . time ( ) * 1000 ) - last_read_ms
if len ( data_buffer ) > 0 and time_since_last > self . timeout :
self . log ( str ( self ) + " serial read timeout " , RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG )
data_buffer = " "
in_frame = False
command = KISS . CMD_UNKNOWN
escape = False
sleep ( 0.08 )
except Exception as e :
self . online = False
self . log ( " A serial port error occurred, the contained exception was: " + str ( e ) , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
self . log ( " The interface " + str ( self . name ) + " is now offline. " , RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR )
def log ( self , msg , level = 3 ) :
logtimefmt = " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S "
if self . loglevel > = level :
timestamp = time . time ( )
logstring = " [ " + time . strftime ( logtimefmt ) + " ] [ " + self . loglevelname ( level ) + " ] " + msg
print ( logstring )
def loglevelname ( self , level ) :
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_CRITICAL ) :
return " Critical "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_ERROR ) :
return " Error "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_WARNING ) :
return " Warning "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_NOTICE ) :
return " Notice "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_INFO ) :
return " Info "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_VERBOSE ) :
return " Verbose "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_DEBUG ) :
return " Debug "
if ( level == RNodeInterface . LOG_EXTREME ) :
return " Extra "
def hexrep ( data , delimit = True ) :
delimiter = " : "
if not delimit :
delimiter = " "
hexrep = delimiter . join ( " {:02x} " . format ( ord ( c ) ) for c in data )
return hexrep
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " RNodeInterface[ " + self . name + " ] "