# Installation and running the RPi-LoRa-Gateway ## Install needed packages ` sudo apt install python3 python3-rpi.gpio python3-spidev aprx screen git python3-pil python3-smbus ` ## Checkout the code Enter following commands:
``` cd git clone https://github.com/tomelec/RPi-LoRa-KISS-TNC.git cd RPi-LoRa-KISS-TNC git clone https://github.com/mayeranalytics/pySX127x.git ``` to change into homedirectory and then checkout the code and the LoRa Chip-Driver in the right directory. ## Configuration Afterwards configure as following: ### Edit aprx/aprx.conf.lora-aprs file Type: ``` cd cd RPi-LoRa-KISS-TNC sudo cp aprx/aprx.conf.lora-aprs /etc/aprx.conf pico -w /etc/aprx.conf ``` to copy and then open the config file. The most important settings are: * **mycall**
Your call with an apropriate SSID suffix
[Paper on SSID's from aprs.org](http://www.aprs.org/aprs11/SSIDs.txt) * **myloc**
NMEA lat/lon form: ``` lat ddmm.mmN lon dddmm.mmE ``` Example: ``` lat 4812.52N lon 01622.39E ``` (simplest way to find the right coordinats for this? Go to [aprs.fi](http://www.aprs.fi) on your location right-click and choose "Add marker" then click on the marker and you should see your coordinates in the NMEA style - enter this infos without any symbols into the config file as seen in the example above) * **passcode**
see [see here to generate appropiate setting](https://apps.magicbug.co.uk/passcode/) * **server**
either leave the default server or if you're connected to Hamnet as well insert an APRSIS Server within the hamnet - a List of Aprs Hamnet servers can be found in the [OEVSV Wiki](http://wiki.oevsv.at/index.php/Anwendungen_am_HAMNET#APRS_Server)) to save and close the file do: `Strg + x` -> Y -> Enter ### Edit driver config file Type ``` pico -w pySX127x/SX127x/board_config.py ``` change in line 36 from ``` DIO0 = 22 # RaspPi GPIO 22 DIO0 = 5 # RaspPi GPIO 5 ``` to fix the SPI connection #todo how can we config this from outside? ## Start the LoRa KISS TNC and aprx server instance ``` python3 Start_lora-tnc.py & sudo aprx ``` ## Stop the server's ``` sudo killall aprx python3 ```