""" Defines LoRaArgumentParser which extends argparse.ArgumentParser with standard config parameters for the SX127x. """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 Mayer Analytics Ltd. # # This file is part of pySX127x. # # pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is # mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your # own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import argparse class LoRaArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ This class extends argparse.ArgumentParser. Some commonly used LoRa config parameters are defined * ocp * spreading factor * frequency * bandwidth * preamble Call the parse_args with an additional parameter referencing a LoRa object. The args will be used to configure the LoRa. """ bw_lookup = dict(BW7_8=0, BW10_4=1, BW15_6=2, BW20_8=3, BW31_25=4, BW41_7=5, BW62_5=6, BW125=7, BW250=8, BW500=9) cr_lookup = dict(CR4_5=1, CR4_6=2,CR4_7=3,CR4_8=4) def __init__(self, description): argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, description=description) self.add_argument('--ocp', '-c', dest='ocp', default=100, action="store", type=float, help="Over current protection in mA (45 .. 240 mA)") self.add_argument('--sf', '-s', dest='sf', default=7, action="store", type=int, help="Spreading factor (6...12). Default is 7.") self.add_argument('--freq', '-f', dest='freq', default=869., action="store", type=float, help="Frequency") self.add_argument('--bw', '-b', dest='bw', default='BW125', action="store", type=str, help="Bandwidth (one of BW7_8 BW10_4 BW15_6 BW20_8 BW31_25 BW41_7 BW62_5 BW125 BW250 BW500).\nDefault is BW125.") self.add_argument('--cr', '-r', dest='coding_rate', default='CR4_5', action="store", type=str, help="Coding rate (one of CR4_5 CR4_6 CR4_7 CR4_8).\nDefault is CR4_5.") self.add_argument('--preamble', '-p', dest='preamble', default=8, action="store", type=int, help="Preamble length. Default is 8.") def parse_args(self, lora): """ Parse the args, perform some sanity checks and configure the LoRa accordingly. :param lora: Reference to LoRa object :return: args """ args = argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self) args.bw = self.bw_lookup.get(args.bw, None) args.coding_rate = self.cr_lookup.get(args.coding_rate, None) # some sanity checks assert(args.bw is not None) assert(args.coding_rate is not None) assert(args.sf >=6 and args.sf <= 12) # set the LoRa object lora.set_freq(args.freq) lora.set_preamble(args.preamble) lora.set_spreading_factor(args.sf) lora.set_bw(args.bw) lora.set_coding_rate(args.coding_rate) lora.set_ocp_trim(args.ocp) return args