#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ A simple continuous receiver class. """ # Copyright 2015 Mayer Analytics Ltd. # # This file is part of pySX127x. # # pySX127x is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # pySX127x is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You can be released from the requirements of the license by obtaining a commercial license. Such a license is # mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving pySX127x without disclosing the source code of your # own applications, or shipping pySX127x with a closed source product. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with pySX127. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from time import sleep from SX127x.LoRa import * from SX127x.LoRaArgumentParser import LoRaArgumentParser from SX127x.board_config import BOARD BOARD.setup() parser = LoRaArgumentParser("Continous LoRa receiver.") class LoRaRcvCont(LoRa): def __init__(self, verbose=False): super(LoRaRcvCont, self).__init__(verbose) self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP) self.set_dio_mapping([0] * 6) def on_rx_done(self): BOARD.led_on() print("\nRxDone") self.clear_irq_flags(RxDone=1) payload = self.read_payload(nocheck=True) print(bytes(payload).decode()) self.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP) self.reset_ptr_rx() BOARD.led_off() self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT) def on_tx_done(self): print("\nTxDone") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_cad_done(self): print("\non_CadDone") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_rx_timeout(self): print("\non_RxTimeout") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_valid_header(self): print("\non_ValidHeader") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_payload_crc_error(self): print("\non_PayloadCrcError") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def on_fhss_change_channel(self): print("\non_FhssChangeChannel") print(self.get_irq_flags()) def start(self): self.reset_ptr_rx() self.set_mode(MODE.RXCONT) while True: sleep(.5) rssi_value = self.get_rssi_value() status = self.get_modem_status() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\r%d %d %d" % (rssi_value, status['rx_ongoing'], status['modem_clear'])) lora = LoRaRcvCont(verbose=False) args = parser.parse_args(lora) lora.set_mode(MODE.STDBY) lora.set_pa_config(pa_select=1) #lora.set_rx_crc(True) #lora.set_coding_rate(CODING_RATE.CR4_6) #lora.set_pa_config(max_power=0, output_power=0) #lora.set_lna_gain(GAIN.G1) #lora.set_implicit_header_mode(False) #lora.set_low_data_rate_optim(True) #lora.set_pa_ramp(PA_RAMP.RAMP_50_us) #lora.set_agc_auto_on(True) print(lora) assert(lora.get_agc_auto_on() == 1) try: input("Press enter to start...") except: pass try: lora.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.flush() print("") sys.stderr.write("KeyboardInterrupt\n") finally: sys.stdout.flush() print("") lora.set_mode(MODE.SLEEP) print(lora) BOARD.teardown()