2 years ago | |
hardware | 2 years ago | |
CHANGELOG.md | 2 years ago | |
LICENSE | 2 years ago | |
MQTT_energymeter.ino | 2 years ago | |
README.md | 2 years ago |
Datalogger reading kWh pulses from a utility grid meter and publising it via MQTT
(C) 2022 M. Konstapel https://meezenest.nl/mees
Inspired by https://www.instructables.com/A-Simple-MQTT-PubSub-Node-With-Arduino-UNO-and-ENC/
- Runs on low spec microcontroller (Uno, Nano, Mini, and other ATMega328-based boards)
- Wired ethernet via ENC28J60 Ethernet module
- Gets ip address via DHCP
- Stores data in EEPROM to prevent data loss
- Easy to configure by telnet port 1000
- Arduino IDE (version 2.0.2)
- UIPEthernet library by Norbert Truchsess, CassyArduino and Juraj Andrassy (version 2.0.12)
- PubSubClient library by Nick O'Leary (version 2.8)
The Device gets its IP address via DHCP. Make sure you have a working DHCP server on the network.
The ip address and port of the MQTT broker can be set by connecting to the device via telnet on port 1000.
To set the ip address of the MQTT broker use the command ": ". For example, to set the ip address to type ":" and hit enter.
To set the port number of the MQTT broker use the command "P ". For example, to set the port number to 1883 type "P 1883" and hit enter.
To show the current settings type "I".
To save the settings to EEPROM type "S" and hit enter.
IMPORTANT: after making changes, power cycle the device.