A LoRa APRS node with KISS interface based on a Raspberry Pi Pico
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/home/marcel/Documents/electronische_projecten/lora_aprs_node_pico/build/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/boot_stage2/bs2_default.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .text 000000f0 20041f00 20041f00 00001f00 2**2
1 .ARM.attributes 00000022 00000000 00000000 00001ff0 2**0
/home/marcel/Documents/electronische_projecten/lora_aprs_node_pico/build/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/boot_stage2/bs2_default.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
20041f00 <_stage2_boot>:
20041f00: b500 push {lr}
20041f02: 4b32 ldr r3, [pc, #200] ; (20041fcc <literals>)
20041f04: 2021 movs r0, #33 ; 0x21
20041f06: 6058 str r0, [r3, #4]
20041f08: 6898 ldr r0, [r3, #8]
20041f0a: 2102 movs r1, #2
20041f0c: 4388 bics r0, r1
20041f0e: 6098 str r0, [r3, #8]
20041f10: 60d8 str r0, [r3, #12]
20041f12: 6118 str r0, [r3, #16]
20041f14: 6158 str r0, [r3, #20]
20041f16: 4b2e ldr r3, [pc, #184] ; (20041fd0 <literals+0x4>)
20041f18: 2100 movs r1, #0
20041f1a: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f1c: 2102 movs r1, #2
20041f1e: 6159 str r1, [r3, #20]
20041f20: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f22: 22f0 movs r2, #240 ; 0xf0
20041f24: 5099 str r1, [r3, r2]
20041f26 <program_sregs>:
20041f26: 492b ldr r1, [pc, #172] ; (20041fd4 <literals+0x8>)
20041f28: 6019 str r1, [r3, #0]
20041f2a: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f2c: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f2e: 2035 movs r0, #53 ; 0x35
20041f30: f000 f844 bl 20041fbc <read_flash_sreg>
20041f34: 2202 movs r2, #2
20041f36: 4290 cmp r0, r2
20041f38: d014 beq.n 20041f64 <skip_sreg_programming>
20041f3a: 2106 movs r1, #6
20041f3c: 6619 str r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f3e: f000 f834 bl 20041faa <wait_ssi_ready>
20041f42: 6e19 ldr r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f44: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f46: 6619 str r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f48: 2000 movs r0, #0
20041f4a: 6618 str r0, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f4c: 661a str r2, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f4e: f000 f82c bl 20041faa <wait_ssi_ready>
20041f52: 6e19 ldr r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f54: 6e19 ldr r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f56: 6e19 ldr r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f58: 2005 movs r0, #5
20041f5a: f000 f82f bl 20041fbc <read_flash_sreg>
20041f5e: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f60: 4208 tst r0, r1
20041f62: d1f9 bne.n 20041f58 <program_sregs+0x32>
20041f64 <skip_sreg_programming>:
20041f64: 2100 movs r1, #0
20041f66: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f68 <dummy_read>:
20041f68: 491b ldr r1, [pc, #108] ; (20041fd8 <literals+0xc>)
20041f6a: 6019 str r1, [r3, #0]
20041f6c: 2100 movs r1, #0
20041f6e: 6059 str r1, [r3, #4]
20041f70: 491a ldr r1, [pc, #104] ; (20041fdc <literals+0x10>)
20041f72: 481b ldr r0, [pc, #108] ; (20041fe0 <literals+0x14>)
20041f74: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
20041f76: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f78: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f7a: 21eb movs r1, #235 ; 0xeb
20041f7c: 6619 str r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f7e: 21a0 movs r1, #160 ; 0xa0
20041f80: 6619 str r1, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041f82: f000 f812 bl 20041faa <wait_ssi_ready>
20041f86: 2100 movs r1, #0
20041f88: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f8a <configure_ssi>:
20041f8a: 4916 ldr r1, [pc, #88] ; (20041fe4 <literals+0x18>)
20041f8c: 4814 ldr r0, [pc, #80] ; (20041fe0 <literals+0x14>)
20041f8e: 6001 str r1, [r0, #0]
20041f90: 2101 movs r1, #1
20041f92: 6099 str r1, [r3, #8]
20041f94 <check_return>:
20041f94: bc01 pop {r0}
20041f96: 2800 cmp r0, #0
20041f98: d000 beq.n 20041f9c <vector_into_flash>
20041f9a: 4700 bx r0
20041f9c <vector_into_flash>:
20041f9c: 4812 ldr r0, [pc, #72] ; (20041fe8 <literals+0x1c>)
20041f9e: 4913 ldr r1, [pc, #76] ; (20041fec <literals+0x20>)
20041fa0: 6008 str r0, [r1, #0]
20041fa2: c803 ldmia r0, {r0, r1}
20041fa4: f380 8808 msr MSP, r0
20041fa8: 4708 bx r1
20041faa <wait_ssi_ready>:
20041faa: b503 push {r0, r1, lr}
20041fac: 6a99 ldr r1, [r3, #40] ; 0x28
20041fae: 2004 movs r0, #4
20041fb0: 4201 tst r1, r0
20041fb2: d0fb beq.n 20041fac <wait_ssi_ready+0x2>
20041fb4: 2001 movs r0, #1
20041fb6: 4201 tst r1, r0
20041fb8: d1f8 bne.n 20041fac <wait_ssi_ready+0x2>
20041fba: bd03 pop {r0, r1, pc}
20041fbc <read_flash_sreg>:
20041fbc: b502 push {r1, lr}
20041fbe: 6618 str r0, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041fc0: 6618 str r0, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041fc2: f7ff fff2 bl 20041faa <wait_ssi_ready>
20041fc6: 6e18 ldr r0, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041fc8: 6e18 ldr r0, [r3, #96] ; 0x60
20041fca: bd02 pop {r1, pc}
20041fcc <literals>:
20041fcc: 40020000 .word 0x40020000
20041fd0: 18000000 .word 0x18000000
20041fd4: 00070000 .word 0x00070000
20041fd8: 005f0300 .word 0x005f0300
20041fdc: 00002221 .word 0x00002221
20041fe0: 180000f4 .word 0x180000f4
20041fe4: a0002022 .word 0xa0002022
20041fe8: 10000100 .word 0x10000100
20041fec: e000ed08 .word 0xe000ed08