A LoRa APRS node with KISS interface based on a Raspberry Pi Pico
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.4 KiB

#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#define MTU 255
#define CMD_L 4
int lastRssi = -292;
uint8_t lastRssiRaw = 0x00;
size_t readLength = 0;
const int pinNSS = 10;
const int pinNRST = 9;
const int pinDIO0 = 2;
// const int pinLedRx = 5;
// const int pinLedTx = 4;
const long serialBaudRate = 38400;
const int rssiOffset = 292;
const int loraRxTurnaround = 50;
// Default LoRa settings
int loraSpreadingFactor = 12;
int loraPreamble = 8;
int loraCodingRate = 5;
int loraTxPower = 17;
int LoRaPaSelect = 1;
uint32_t loraBandwidth = 125E3;
uint32_t loraFrequency = 433775000;
uint8_t txBuffer[MTU];
uint8_t rxBuffer[MTU];
uint32_t statRx = 0;
uint32_t statTx = 0;
bool outboundReady = false;
bool statSignalDetected = false;
bool statSignalSynced = false;
bool statRxOngoing = false;
bool dcd = false;
bool dcdLed = false;
bool dcdWaiting = false;
uint16_t dcdCount = 0;
uint16_t dcdThreshold = 15;
uint32_t statusIntervalms = 3;
uint32_t lastStatusUpdate = 0;
// Status flags
const uint8_t SIG_DETECT = 0x01;
const uint8_t SIG_SYNCED = 0x02;
const uint8_t RX_ONGOING = 0x04;