A dual band aprs digipeater with enhanced telemetry capabilities.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

469 lines
18 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>PE1RXF APRS server</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/popup.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/font-awesome.min.css">
// Prevents a repost when the user refreshes the page.
// Also it handles the post itself.
if(count($_POST) > 0) {
// figure out which form was entered
if ($_POST['comment_ax0']) {
$_SESSION['comment_ax0'] = $_POST['comment_ax0'];
$_SESSION['period_ax0'] = $_POST['period_ax0'];
$_SESSION['path_ax0'] = $_POST['path_ax0'];
if ($_POST['comment_ax1']) {
$_SESSION['comment_ax1'] = $_POST['comment_ax1'];
$_SESSION['period_ax1'] = $_POST['period_ax1'];
$_SESSION['path_ax1'] = $_POST['path_ax1'];
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
header("Location: http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]/index.php");
else {
if (isset($_SESSION['comment_ax0'])){
$comment_ax0 = $_SESSION['comment_ax0'];
$period_ax0 = $_SESSION['period_ax0'];
$path_ax0 = $_SESSION['path_ax0'];
//echo "Set ax0: $comment_ax0, $period_ax0, $path_ax0";
save_settings("ax0", $period_ax0, 0, $path_ax0, 0, $comment_ax0);
# Wait for the changes to take effect
else if (isset($_SESSION['comment_ax1'])){
$comment_ax1 = $_SESSION['comment_ax1'];
$period_ax1 = $_SESSION['period_ax1'];
$path_ax1 = $_SESSION['path_ax1'];
//echo "Set ax1: $comment_ax1, $period_ax1, $path_ax1";
save_settings("ax1", $period_ax1, 0, $path_ax1, 0, $comment_ax1);
# Wait for the changes to take effect
// END: Prevents a repost when the user refreshes the page.
# Reads configuration file from pe1rxf-aprs-server directory, makes changes if necesary
# and writes the newly constructed file to a temporary config-file. It does not overwrite
# the original file, because user www-data can only read the program directory, not write to it.
# It's a safety thing...
# The main loop of pe1rxf-aprs-server than copies it to the program directory and removes the temporary file.
function change_parameter_value($parameter, $value)
$config_file = '/var/www/html/config/test.cfg';
$tmp_config_file = '/var/www/html/config/test.cfg.tmp';
$reading = fopen($config_file, 'r');
$writing = fopen($tmp_config_file, 'w');
$replaced = false;
while (!feof($reading)) {
$line = fgets($reading);
if (stristr($line,$parameter)) {
$line = "$parameter=$value\n";
//echo "New value: ", "$line";
$replaced = true;
fputs($writing, $line);
fclose($reading); fclose($writing);
// might as well not overwrite the file if we didn't replace anything
if ($replaced)
shell_exec("mv $tmp_config_file $config_file");
} else {
shell_exec("rm $tmp_config_file");
# Saves setting for given form: ax0 or ax1
# $a = beacon_time
# $b = beacon_destination
# $c = beacon_path
# $d = beacon_position
# $e = beacon_comment
# $f = beacon_file
# $g = transmit_directory
function save_settings($form, $a, $b=0, $c=0, $d=0, $e=0, $f=0, $g=0)
# Copy original config file to temporary place on web server.
# From here we can change the values
$original_config_file = '/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/pe1rxf-aprs-server.cfg';
$destination_config_file = '/var/www/html/config/test.cfg';
$newly_made_config_file = '/var/www/html/config/pe1rxf-aprs-server.cfg';
$fileCopied = copy("$original_config_file", "$destination_config_file");
if($fileCopied) {
//echo "# $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g";
if ($form == "ax0" ) {
change_parameter_value("ax0_beacon_time", $a);
if ($c) change_parameter_value("ax0_beacon_path", $c);
if ($e) change_parameter_value("ax0_beacon_comment", $e);
else if ($form == "ax1" ) {
change_parameter_value("ax1_beacon_time", $a);
if ($c) change_parameter_value("ax1_beacon_path", $c);
if ($e) change_parameter_value("ax1_beacon_comment", $e);
# now make new file with new configuration for the main loop to find.
shell_exec("cp $destination_config_file $newly_made_config_file");
# and remove working file:
shell_exec("rm $destination_config_file");
} else{
#echo "Error";
# Reads configuration file from pe1rxf-aprs-server directory.
# Search this file for given paramter and returns its value.
function search_parameter_in_config_file($parameter)
$config_file = '/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/pe1rxf-aprs-server.cfg';
$reading = fopen($config_file, 'r');
while (!feof($reading)) {
$line = fgets($reading);
if ( strstr($line,$parameter) ) {
$line = substr( $line, strlen($parameter)+1 );
# Found match. Stop further search.
return rtrim($line);
$ax0_name = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax0_name");
$ax0_frequency = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax0_frequency");
$ax0_beacon_comment = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax0_beacon_comment");
$ax0_beacon_time = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax0_beacon_time");
$ax0_beacon_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax0_beacon_path");
$ax1_name = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_name");
$ax1_frequency = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_frequency");
$ax1_beacon_comment = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_beacon_comment");
$ax1_beacon_time = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_beacon_time");
$ax1_beacon_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_beacon_path");
<div class="header">
<a href="index.php" >
<h1><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp; PE1RXF APRS server</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3 col-s-3 menu">
<li><h3><?php echo $ax0_name ?> (<?php echo $ax0_frequency ?>)</h3></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax0()">Beacon: <b><?php echo $ax0_beacon_comment; ?></b></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax0()">Beacon interval: <b><?php if ($ax0_beacon_time == 0) echo "OFF";else echo $ax0_beacon_time; ?></b></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax0()">Path: <b><?php echo $ax0_beacon_path; ?></b></li>
<div class="col-6 col-s-9" id="main_page">
<div class="col-6 col-s-12">
<a href="send_message.php"><img src="images/mail-out.svg" /></a>
<h1>Send a message</h1>
<img src="images/mail-in.svg" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="show_received_messages()" />
<h1>Received messages</h1>
<div class="col-6 col-s-12">
<a href="telemetry.php"><img src="images/telemetry.svg" /></a>
<img src="images/received.svg" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="show_heard_stations()" />
<h1>Heard stations</h1>
<div class="col-6 col-s-9" id="heard_stations" style="display:none">
<h1>Heard last 24 hours</h1>
<div class="col-6 col-s-12">
<h1><?php echo $ax0_frequency ?></h1>
<h3 align="center">
<b style="color:Blue">DIRECT</b><br><br>
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_stations_heard_direct.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax0") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo "<br>";
echo "<br><b style=\"color:Blue\">DIGIPEATED</b><br><br>";
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_stations_heard_digipeated.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax0") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo "<br>";
<div class="col-6 col-s-12">
<h1><?php echo $ax1_frequency ?></h1>
<h3 align="center">
<b style="color:Blue">DIRECT</b><br><br>
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_stations_heard_direct.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax1") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo "<br>";
echo "<br><b style=\"color:Blue\">DIGIPEATED</b><br><br>";
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_stations_heard_digipeated.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax1") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo "<br>";
<a href=""><h1 style="color:Black;" onclick="show_main_page()"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp; Back</h1></a>
<div class="col-6 col-s-9" id="received_messages" style="display:none">
<h1>Received messages</h1>
<h2 align="left"><?php echo $ax0_name ?> (<?php echo $ax0_frequency ?>)</h2>
<h3 align="left">
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_received_messages.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax0") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo ": ";
echo $csv[$i][4];
echo "<br>";
<h2 align="left"><?php echo $ax1_name ?> (<?php echo $ax1_frequency ?>)</h2>
<h3 align="left">
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_received_messages.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax1") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo ": ";
echo $csv[$i][4];
echo "<br>";
<a href=""><h1 style="color:Black;" onclick="show_main_page()"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp; Back</h1></a>
<div class="col-3 col-s-12 menu">
<li><h3><?php echo $ax1_name ?> (<?php echo $ax1_frequency ?>)</h3></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax1()">Beacon: <b><?php echo $ax1_beacon_comment; ?></b></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax1()">Beacon interval: <b><?php if ($ax1_beacon_time == 0) echo "OFF";else echo $ax1_beacon_time; ?></b></li>
<li onclick="openForm_ax1()">Path: <b><?php echo $ax1_beacon_path; ?></b></li>
<div class="loginPopup">
<div class="formPopup" id="popupForm_ax0_beacon">
<form action="" class="formContainer" method="post">
<h2>Beacon <?php echo $ax0_frequency ?></h2>
<label for="email">
<input type="text" id="email" placeholder="Comment" name="comment_ax0" value="<?php echo $ax0_beacon_comment; ?>" required>
<label for="psw">
<strong>Period (minutes)</strong>
<input type="number" id="psw" placeholder="Minutes" name="period_ax0" min="0" max="60" step="10" value="<?php echo $ax0_beacon_time; ?>" required>
<label for="path">
<div class="radioLeft">
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_none" name="path_ax0" value="none"<?php if ($ax0_beacon_path == "none") echo "checked"; ?>>
<label for="path_none">none</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide21" name="path_ax0" value="WIDE2-1" <?php if ($ax0_beacon_path == "WIDE2-1") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide21">WIDE2-1</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide22" name="path_ax0" value="WIDE2-2" <?php if ($ax0_beacon_path == "WIDE2-2") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide22">WIDE2-2</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide33" name="path_ax0" value="WIDE3-3" <?php if ($ax0_beacon_path == "WIDE3-3") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide33">WIDE3-3</label><br>
<div id="submit_ax0"><button type="submit" class="btn" onclick="SubmitClicked_ax0()">Submit</button></div>
<div id="submit_done_ax0" style="display:none;"><button type="button" class="btn wait"><img src="images/preload.gif">Please wait...</button></div>
<div id="cancel_ax0"><button type="button" class="btn cancel" onclick="closeForm_ax0()">Cancel</button>
<div class="loginPopup">
<div class="formPopup" id="popup_ax1_beacon">
<form action="" class="formContainer" method="post">
<h2>Beacon <?php echo $ax1_frequency ?></h2>
<label for="email">
<input type="text" id="email" placeholder="comment" name="comment_ax1" value="<?php echo $ax1_beacon_comment; ?>" required>
<label for="psw">
<input type="number" id="psw" placeholder="Period" name="period_ax1" min="0" max="60" step="10" value="<?php echo $ax1_beacon_time; ?>" required>
<label for="path">
<div class="radioLeft">
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_none" name="path_ax1" value="none"<?php if ($ax1_beacon_path == "none") echo "checked"; ?>>
<label for="path_none">none</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide21" name="path_ax1" value="WIDE2-1" <?php if ($ax1_beacon_path == "WIDE2-1") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide21">WIDE2-1</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide22" name="path_ax1" value="WIDE2-2" <?php if ($ax1_beacon_path == "WIDE2-2") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide22">WIDE2-2</label><br>
<input type="radio" class="formContainer radio" id="path_wide33" name="path_ax1" value="WIDE3-3" <?php if ($ax1_beacon_path == "WIDE3-3") echo "checked"; ?> >
<label for="path_wide33">WIDE3-3</label><br>
<div id="submit_ax1"><button type="submit" class="btn" onclick="SubmitClicked_ax1()">Submit</button></div>
<div id="submit_done_ax1" style="display:none;"><button type="button" class="btn wait"><img src="images/preload.gif">Please wait...</button></div>
<div id="cancel_ax1"><button type="button" class="btn cancel" onclick="closeForm_ax1()">Cancel</button>
<div class="footer">
<p>Open source hardware and software. Visit https://www.meezenest.nl/mees for more information.</p>
function openForm_ax0() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax0_beacon").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax0() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax0_beacon").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax1() {
document.getElementById("popup_ax1_beacon").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax1() {
document.getElementById("popup_ax1_beacon").style.display = "none";
function show_heard_stations() {
document.getElementById("main_page").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("heard_stations").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("received_messages").style.display = "none";
function show_received_messages() {
document.getElementById("main_page").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("heard_stations").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("received_messages").style.display = "block";
function show_main_page() {
document.getElementById("main_page").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("heard_stations").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("received_messages").style.display = "none";
Replacing Submit Button with 'Loading' Image
Version 2.0
December 18, 2012
Will Bontrager Software, LLC
Copyright 2012 Will Bontrager Software, LLC
This software is provided "AS IS," without
any warranty of any kind, without even any
implied warranty such as merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose.
Will Bontrager Software, LLC grants
you a royalty free license to use or
modify this software provided this
notice appears on all copies.
function SubmitClicked_ax1()
document.getElementById("submit_ax1").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax1").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax1").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
function SubmitClicked_ax0()
document.getElementById("submit_ax0").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax0").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax0").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;