#!/bin/bash ################################################################################## # Reads telemetry data file from yesterday and output minimum and maximum # # values of every data field. # # This script should be run once every day at midnight # # # # (C)2021 M.T. Konstapel https://meezenest.nl/mees # # # # This file is part of PE1RXF-APRS-server. # # # # PE1RXF-APRS-server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # PE1RXF-APRS-server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with PE1RXF-APRS-server. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # # ################################################################################## APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR=/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/ APRS_TELEMETRY_FILE_SUFFIX=_telemetry_PE1RXF-7.dat MIN_TELEMETRY_FILE=telemetry_PE1RXF-7_min_values.dat MAX_TELEMETRY_FILE=telemetry_PE1RXF-7_max_values.dat PUBLISH_DIR=/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/publish # Get current and yesterdays date YYYY-MM-DD CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") YESTERDAY_DATE=$(date --date="yesterday" +"%Y-%m-%d") APRS_TELEMETRY_FILE="$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$YESTERDAY_DATE$APRS_TELEMETRY_FILE_SUFFIX" SINGLE_SHOT=0 declare -a max declare -a min ##################################################################### # Evaluate a floating point number conditional expression. # Bash itself cannot work with floating point, so we use bc function float_cond() { local cond=0 if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then cond=$(echo "$*" | bc -q 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z "$cond" ]]; then cond=0; fi if [[ "$cond" != 0 && "$cond" != 1 ]]; then cond=0; fi fi local stat=$((cond == 0)) return $stat } #Read file line by line while read LINE do #echo "$LINE" #Datafiled should have comma as field seperator, so asume this and put values in array for later testing if data is valid IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$LINE" cnt=0 for index in "${!array[@]}" do #First time in the loop: we fill the min and max values with the first values in the array if [[ $SINGLE_SHOT -eq 0 ]]; then #echo "First: ${array[index]}" max[cnt]=${array[index]} min[cnt]=${array[index]} else #bash cannot work with floats, so we use this function instead if float_cond "${array[index]} > ${max[cnt]}"; then #if [[ ${array[index]} > ${max[cnt]} ]]; then #echo "Max: $cnt ${max[cnt]} $index ${array[index]}" max[cnt]=${array[index]} fi #bash cannot work with floats, so we use this function instead if float_cond "${array[index]} < ${min[cnt]}"; then #if [[ ${array[index]} < ${min[cnt]} ]]; then min[cnt]=${array[index]} # echo "Min: $cnt $index ${array[index]}" fi fi #echo "$cnt" cnt=$((cnt+1)) done #First time through loop is different from all the rest SINGLE_SHOT=1 #done < /dev/stdin done < "$APRS_TELEMETRY_FILE" #Store minimum values in file (append file) for index in "${!min[@]}" do #first data field: remove time from date/time field and no leading comma if [[ index -eq 0 ]] ; then min[index]="$(echo "${min[index]}" | cut -b 1-10)" echo -n "${min[index]}" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MIN_TELEMETRY_FILE" else echo -n ",${min[index]}" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MIN_TELEMETRY_FILE" fi done #New line echo "" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MIN_TELEMETRY_FILE" #Store maximum values in file (append file) for index in "${!max[@]}" do #first data field: remove time from date/time field and no leading comma if [[ index -eq 0 ]] ; then max[index]="$(echo "${max[index]}" | cut -b 1-10)" echo -n "${max[index]}" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MAX_TELEMETRY_FILE" else echo -n ",${max[index]}" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MAX_TELEMETRY_FILE" fi done #New line echo "" >> "$APRS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_DIR$MAX_TELEMETRY_FILE"