# Config file for MQTT prometheus exporter # Logging #logging: # logfile: '' # Optional default '' (stdout) # level: 'info' # Optional default 'info' # MQTT All values default to paho.mqtt.client defaults #mqtt: # host: 'mqtt.example.com' # Optional default 'localhost' # port: 1883 # Optional default '1883' # keepalive: 60 # Optional # auth: # Optional If included, username_pw_set() is called with user/password # username: 'user' # Required (when auth is present) # password: 'pass' # Optional # tls: # Optional If included, tls_set() is called with the following: # ca_certs: # Optional # certfile: # Optional # keyfile: # Optional # cert_reqs: # Optional # tls_version: # Optional # ciphers: # Optional # Prometheus #prometheus: # exporter_port: # Optional default 9344