You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Example metric definition
- name: 'mqtt_example' # Required(unique, if multiple, only last entry is kept)
help: 'MQTT example gauge' # Required
type: 'gauge' # Required ('gauge', 'counter', 'summary' or 'histogram')
#parameters: # Optional parameters for certain metrics
# buckets: # Optional (Passed as 'buckets' argument to Histogram)
# - .1
# - 1.0
# - 10.0
# states: # Optional (Passes as 'states' arguments to Enum)
# - on
# - off
topic: 'example/topic/+' # Required
# Inspired by '<relabel_config>'
# "__msg_topic__" and "__value__" are populated with msg topic and value. And "__topic__" is 'topic' from config.
# Supported actions are: 'replace', 'keep' and 'drop'
# All labels starting with "__" will be removed, and "__topic__" and "__value__" is copied into "topic" anv "value"
# after all label configs have been applied.
label_configs: # Optional
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] # Required (when label_configs is present)
separator: '/' # Optional default ';'
regex: '(.*)' # Optional default '(.*)'
target_label: '__topic__' # Required (when label_configs is present and 'action' = 'replace')
replacement: '\1' # Optional default '\1'
action: 'replace' # Optional default 'replace'