@ -121,15 +121,17 @@ If we want to add support for a new board we have to add a new section for this
Let's say we want to add support for the Waveshare ESP32-S3 Pico with an SX1278 LoRa transceiver. First we have to make define both BOARD_MODEL and BOARD_VARIANT. Let's define BOARD_MODEL as 0x61 and BOARD_VARIANT as 0x31 as these numbers are not used yet. Here the 0x31 indicates the use of a SX1278 LoRa transceiver. In the future we can define more transceivers for this board. Then we make entries in the Makefile.
arduino-cli compile --fqbn "esp32:esp32:esp32s3:CDCOnBoot=cdc" $(COMMON_BUILD_FLAGS) --build-property "compiler.cpp.extra_flags=\"-DBOARD_MODEL=0x61\" \"-DBOARD_VARIANT=0x31\""
# Added board from Mees Electronics
firmware-waveshare-esp32-s3-pico: check_bt_buffers
arduino-cli compile --fqbn "esp32:esp32:esp32s3:CDCOnBoot=cdc" $(COMMON_BUILD_FLAGS) --build-property "compiler.cpp.extra_flags=\"-DBOARD_MODEL=0x61\""
# Added board from Mees Electronics
arduino-cli upload -p $(or $(port), /dev/ttyACM0) --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32s3
@sleep 1
rnodeconf $(or $(port), /dev/ttyACM0) --firmware-hash $$(./partition_hashes ./build/esp32.esp32.waveshare- esp32- s3-pico /RNode_Firmware_CE.ino.bin)
rnodeconf $(or $(port), /dev/ttyACM0) --firmware-hash $$(./partition_hashes ./build/esp32.esp32.esp32s3/RNode_Firmware_CE.ino.bin)
@sleep 3
python ./Release/esptool/esptool.py --port $(or $(port), /dev/ttyACM0) --chip esp32-s3 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x210000 ./Release/console_image.bin
python3 ./Release/esptool/esptool.py --port $(or $(port), /dev/ttyACM0) --chip esp32-s3 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 4MB 0x210000 ./Release/console_image.bin
arduino-cli compile --fqbn "esp32:esp32:esp32s3:CDCOnBoot=cdc" $(COMMON_BUILD_FLAGS) --build-property "compiler.cpp.extra_flags=\"-DBOARD_MODEL=0x61\" \"-DBOARD_VARIANT=0x31\""
@ -143,74 +145,58 @@ Let's say we want to add support for the Waveshare ESP32-S3 Pico with an SX1278
In the file Boards.h make an entry for the new board within the '#if MCU_VARIANT == MCU_ESP32':
#define HAS_DISPLAY true
#define HAS_BLUETOOTH true
#define IS_ESP32S3 true
#define HAS_DISPLAY false
#define HAS_BLUETOOTH false
#define HAS_BLE true
#define HAS_PMU true
#define HAS_CONSOLE true
#define HAS_EEPROM true
//#define HAS_INPUT true
//#define HAS_SLEEP true
//#define WAKEUP_LEVEL 0
#define OCP_TUNED 0x38
const uint8_t interfaces[INTERFACE_COUNT] = {SX1276};
#if HAS_TCXO == true
const bool interface_cfg[INTERFACE_COUNT][3] = {
// SX127X
true, // DEFAULT_SPI
true, // HAS_TCXO
false // DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH
const int8_t interface_pins[INTERFACE_COUNT][10] = {
// SX127X
18, // pin_ss
-1, // pin_sclk
-1, // pin_mosi
-1, // pin_miso
-1, // pin_busy
26, // pin_dio
23, // pin_reset
-1, // pin_txen
-1, // pin_rxen
33 // pin_tcxo_enable
#if defined(EXTERNAL_LEDS)
const int pin_led_rx = 15;
const int pin_led_tx = 4;
const int pin_led_rx = 25;
const int pin_led_tx = 25;
const int pin_btn_usr1 = 0;
#define HAS_NP true
const int pin_np = 21;
#if HAS_NP == false
#if defined(EXTERNAL_LEDS)
const int pin_led_rx = 16;
const int pin_led_tx = 17;
const int pin_led_rx = 21;
const int pin_led_tx = 21;
#if HAS_TCXO == false
const uint8_t interfaces[INTERFACE_COUNT] = {SX1278};
const bool interface_cfg[INTERFACE_COUNT][3] = {
// SX127X
// SX1278
tru e, // DEFAULT_SPI
false, // DEFAULT_SPI
false, // HAS_TCXO
false // DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH
const int8_t interface_pins[INTERFACE_COUNT][10] = {
// SX127X
const uint8_t interface_pins[INTERFACE_COUNT][10] = {
// SX1278
18 , // pin_ss
-1 , // pin_sclk
- 1, // pin_mosi
-1 , // pin_miso
10, // pin_ss
12, // pin_sclk
11, // pin_mosi
13, // pin_miso
-1, // pin_busy
26 , // pin_dio
23 , // pin_reset
15, // pin_dio
14 , // pin_reset
-1, // pin_txen
-1, // pin_rxen
-1 // pin_tcxo_enable
Also, in the file Utilities.h add entry. Again, within the '#if MCU_VARIANT == MCU_ESP32'.
@ -245,4 +231,4 @@ This will end with error 'This device has not been provisioned yet, cannot set f
When the rnode is flashed, it is signed with a key. If you conect the rnode to another system, this key cannot be validated. It is possible to write a new key to the rnode by erasing the eeprom and writing the local key to it.
$ rnodeconf /dev/ttyACM0 --eeprom-wipe
$ rnodeconf /dev/ttyACM0 -r --platform ESP32 --model a9 --product f0 --hwrev 3
$ rnodeconf /dev/ttyACM0 -r --platform ESP32 --model a4 --product f0 --hwrev 3