Creating any number of RNodes is completely free and unrestricted for all personal, non-commercial and humanitarian purposes. Feel free to use all the resources provided here, and on the []( website. If doing so provides value to you or your community, you are encouraged to [contribute]({ASSET_PATH}donate.html) whatever you find to be reasonable.
Creating any number of RNodes is completely free and unrestricted for all personal, non-commercial and humanitarian purposes. Feel free to use all the resources provided here, and on the []( website. If doing so provides value to you or your community, you are encouraged to [contribute]({ASSET_PATH}contribute.html) whatever you find to be reasonable.
The RNode Ecosystem is free and non-proprietary, and actively seeks to distribute it's ownership and control. If you want to build RNodes for commercial purposes, including selling them, you must do so adhering to the Open Source licenses that the various parts of the RNode project is released under, and under your own responsibility.