@ -28,8 +28,12 @@
$_SESSION['ax1_message_text'] = $_POST['ax1_message_text'];
$_SESSION['ax1_message_path'] = $_POST['ax1_message_path'];
$_SESSION['ax1_message_destination'] = $_POST['ax1_message_destination'];
if ($_POST['ax2_message_text']) {
$_SESSION['ax2_message_text'] = $_POST['ax2_message_text'];
$_SESSION['ax2_message_path'] = $_POST['ax2_message_path'];
$_SESSION['ax2_message_destination'] = $_POST['ax2_message_destination'];
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
header("Location: http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]/send_message.php");
@ -78,6 +82,26 @@
# Wait for the changes to take effect
else if (isset($_SESSION['ax2_message_text'])){
$ax2_message_text = $_SESSION['ax2_message_text'];
$ax2_message_path = $_SESSION['ax2_message_path'];
$ax2_message_destination = $_SESSION['ax2_message_destination'];
//echo "Send ax2: $ax2_message_text, $ax2_message_path, $ax2_message_destination";
# Send message. NOTE: send_message.sh should be executable by www-data. Also, the ax0 transmit directory should be writable by www-data
if ($ax2_message_path == "none")
$execuatable_string = sprintf("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/send_message.sh -i ax2 -c \"%s\" -m \"%s\"", $ax2_message_destination, $ax2_message_text);
$execuatable_string = sprintf("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/send_message.sh -i ax2 -c \"%s\" -p \"%s\" -m \"%s\"", $ax2_message_destination, $ax2_message_path, $ax2_message_text);
//$execuatable_string = sprintf("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/send_message.sh -i ax2 -c \"%s\" -p \"%s\" -m \"%s\"", $ax2_message_destination, $ax2_message_path, $ax2_message_text);
//echo exec("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/send_message.sh -i ax2 -c $ax1_message_destination -p $ax1_message_path -m $ax2_message_text");
//echo ("$execuatable_string");
# Wait for the changes to take effect
@ -225,6 +249,29 @@
$ax1_message2_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_message2_path");
$ax1_message3_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_message3_path");
$ax1_message4_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax1_message4_path");
$ax2_name = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_name");
$ax2_frequency = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_frequency");
$ax2_message1_id = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message1_id");
$ax2_message2_id = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message2_id");
$ax2_message3_id = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message3_id");
$ax2_message4_id = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message4_id");
$ax2_message1_text = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message1_text");
$ax2_message2_text = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message2_text");
$ax2_message3_text = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message3_text");
$ax2_message4_text = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message4_text");
$ax2_message1_destination = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message1_destination");
$ax2_message2_destination = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message2_destination");
$ax2_message3_destination = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message3_destination");
$ax2_message4_destination = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message4_destination");
$ax2_message1_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message1_path");
$ax2_message2_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message2_path");
$ax2_message3_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message3_path");
$ax2_message4_path = search_parameter_in_config_file("ax2_message4_path");
@ -245,6 +292,16 @@
< li onclick = "openForm_ax0_message3()" >< b > <?php echo $ax0_message3_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax0_message4()" >< b > <?php echo $ax0_message4_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< / ul >
< ul >
< li >< h3 > <?php echo $ax2_name ?> (<?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> )</ h3 ></ li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax2_message0()" > Send new message< / li >
< li > < b > Predefined messages:< / b > < / li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax2_message1()" >< b > <?php echo $ax2_message1_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax2_message2()" >< b > <?php echo $ax2_message2_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax2_message3()" >< b > <?php echo $ax2_message3_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< li onclick = "openForm_ax2_message4()" >< b > <?php echo $ax2_message4_id ; ?> </ b ></ li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< div class = "col-6 col-s-9" id = "main_page" >
@ -298,7 +355,22 @@
< / h3 >
< h2 align = "left" > <?php echo $ax2_name ?> (<?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> )</ h2 >
< h3 align = "left" >
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_send_messages.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count ( $ csv ) ; $ i + + ) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax2") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo ": ";
echo $csv[$i][4];
echo "< br > ";
< / h3 >
< a href = "" > < h1 style = "color:Black;" onclick = "show_main_page()" > < i class = "fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden = "true" > < / i > Back< / h1 > < / a >
< / div >
@ -340,6 +412,23 @@
< / h3 >
< h2 align = "left" > <?php echo $ax2_name ?> (<?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> )</ h2 >
< h3 align = "left" >
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file("/home/marcel/ham/aprs_utils/aprs_log/aprs_received_messages.log"));
for ($i = 0; $i < count ( $ csv ) ; $ i + + ) {
if ($csv[$i][1] == "ax2") {
echo $csv[$i][2];
echo ": ";
echo $csv[$i][4];
echo "< br > ";
< / h3 >
< a href = "" > < h1 style = "color:Black;" onclick = "show_main_page()" > < i class = "fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden = "true" > < / i > Back< / h1 > < / a >
< / div >
@ -717,6 +806,188 @@
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "loginPopup" >
< div class = "formPopup" id = "popupForm_ax2_message0" >
< form action = "" class = "formContainer" method = "post" >
< h2 > Message <?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> </ h2 >
< label for = "email" >
< strong > Message< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Message" name = "ax2_message_text" required >
< label for = "psw" >
< strong > Destination< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Destination" name = "ax2_message_destination" required >
< label for = "path" >
< strong > Path< br > < / strong >
< / label >
< div class = "radioLeft" >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_none" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "none" checked >
< label for = "path_none" > none< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide21" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-1" <?php if ( $ax2_message0_path == "WIDE2-1" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide21" > WIDE2-1< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide22" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-2" <?php if ( $ax2_message0_path == "WIDE2-2" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide22" > WIDE2-2< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide33" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE3-3" <?php if ( $ax2_message0_path == "WIDE3-3" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide33" > WIDE3-3< / label > < br >
< / div >
< div id = "submit_ax2_message0" > < button type = "submit" class = "btn" onclick = "SubmitClicked_ax2_message0()" > Submit< / button > < / div >
< div id = "submit_done_ax2_message0" style = "display:none;" > < button type = "button" class = "btn wait" > < img src = "images/preload.gif" > Please wait...< / button > < / div >
< div id = "cancel_ax2_message0" > < button type = "button" class = "btn cancel" onclick = "closeForm_ax2_message0()" > Cancel< / button >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "loginPopup" >
< div class = "formPopup" id = "popupForm_ax2_message1" >
< form action = "" class = "formContainer" method = "post" >
< h2 > Message <?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> </ h2 >
< label for = "email" >
< strong > Message< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Message" name = "ax2_message_text" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message1_text ; ?> " required >
< label for = "psw" >
< strong > Destination< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Destination" name = "ax2_message_destination" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message1_destination ; ?> " required >
< label for = "path" >
< strong > Path< br > < / strong >
< / label >
< div class = "radioLeft" >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_none" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "none" <?php if ( $ax1_message2_path == "none" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_none" > none< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide21" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-1" <?php if ( $ax2_message1_path == "WIDE2-1" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide21" > WIDE2-1< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide22" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-2" <?php if ( $ax2_message1_path == "WIDE2-2" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide22" > WIDE2-2< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide33" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE3-3" <?php if ( $ax2_message1_path == "WIDE3-3" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide33" > WIDE3-3< / label > < br >
< / div >
< div id = "submit_ax2_message1" > < button type = "submit" class = "btn" onclick = "SubmitClicked_ax2_message1()" > Submit< / button > < / div >
< div id = "submit_done_ax2_message1" style = "display:none;" > < button type = "button" class = "btn wait" > < img src = "images/preload.gif" > Please wait...< / button > < / div >
< div id = "cancel_ax2_message1" > < button type = "button" class = "btn cancel" onclick = "closeForm_ax2_message1()" > Cancel< / button >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "loginPopup" >
< div class = "formPopup" id = "popupForm_ax2_message2" >
< form action = "" class = "formContainer" method = "post" >
< h2 > Message <?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> </ h2 >
< label for = "email" >
< strong > Message< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Message" name = "ax2_message_text" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message2_text ; ?> " required >
< label for = "psw" >
< strong > Destination< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Destination" name = "ax2_message_destination" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message2_destination ; ?> " required >
< label for = "path" >
< strong > Path< br > < / strong >
< / label >
< div class = "radioLeft" >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_none" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "none" <?php if ( $ax2_message2_path == "none" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_none" > none< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide21" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-1" <?php if ( $ax2_message2_path == "WIDE2-1" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide21" > WIDE2-1< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide22" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-2" <?php if ( $ax2_message2_path == "WIDE2-2" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide22" > WIDE2-2< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide33" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE3-3" <?php if ( $ax2_message2_path == "WIDE3-3" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide33" > WIDE3-3< / label > < br >
< / div >
< div id = "submit_ax2" > < button type = "submit" class = "btn" onclick = "SubmitClicked_ax2_message2()" > Submit< / button > < / div >
< div id = "submit_done_ax2" style = "display:none;" > < button type = "button" class = "btn wait" > < img src = "images/preload.gif" > Please wait...< / button > < / div >
< div id = "cancel_ax2" > < button type = "button" class = "btn cancel" onclick = "closeForm_ax2_message2()" > Cancel< / button >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "loginPopup" >
< div class = "formPopup" id = "popupForm_ax2_message3" >
< form action = "" class = "formContainer" method = "post" >
< h2 > Message <?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> </ h2 >
< label for = "email" >
< strong > Message< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Message" name = "ax2_message_text" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message3_text ; ?> " required >
< label for = "psw" >
< strong > Destination< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Destination" name = "ax2_message_destination" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message3_destination ; ?> " required >
< label for = "path" >
< strong > Path< br > < / strong >
< / label >
< div class = "radioLeft" >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_none" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "none" <?php if ( $ax2_message3_path == "none" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_none" > none< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide21" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-1" <?php if ( $ax2_message3_path == "WIDE2-1" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide21" > WIDE2-1< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide22" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-2" <?php if ( $ax2_message3_path == "WIDE2-2" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide22" > WIDE2-2< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide33" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE3-3" <?php if ( $ax2_message3_path == "WIDE3-3" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide33" > WIDE3-3< / label > < br >
< / div >
< div id = "submit_ax2" > < button type = "submit" class = "btn" onclick = "SubmitClicked_ax2_message3()" > Submit< / button > < / div >
< div id = "submit_done_ax2" style = "display:none;" > < button type = "button" class = "btn wait" > < img src = "images/preload.gif" > Please wait...< / button > < / div >
< div id = "cancel_ax2" > < button type = "button" class = "btn cancel" onclick = "closeForm_ax2_message3()" > Cancel< / button >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "loginPopup" >
< div class = "formPopup" id = "popupForm_ax2_message4" >
< form action = "" class = "formContainer" method = "post" >
< h2 > Message <?php echo $ax2_frequency ?> </ h2 >
< label for = "email" >
< strong > Message< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Message" name = "ax2_message_text" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message4_text ; ?> " required >
< label for = "psw" >
< strong > Destination< / strong >
< / label >
< input type = "text" id = "email" placeholder = "Destination" name = "ax2_message_destination" value = " <?php echo $ax2_message4_destination ; ?> " required >
< label for = "path" >
< strong > Path< br > < / strong >
< / label >
< div class = "radioLeft" >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_none" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "none" <?php if ( $ax2_message4_path == "none" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_none" > none< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide21" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-1" <?php if ( $ax2_message4_path == "WIDE2-1" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide21" > WIDE2-1< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide22" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE2-2" <?php if ( $ax2_message4_path == "WIDE2-2" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide22" > WIDE2-2< / label > < br >
< input type = "radio" class = "formContainer radio" id = "path_wide33" name = "ax2_message_path" value = "WIDE3-3" <?php if ( $ax2_message4_path == "WIDE3-3" ) echo "checked" ; ?> >
< label for = "path_wide33" > WIDE3-3< / label > < br >
< / div >
< div id = "submit_ax2" > < button type = "submit" class = "btn" onclick = "SubmitClicked_ax2_message4()" > Submit< / button > < / div >
< div id = "submit_done_ax2" style = "display:none;" > < button type = "button" class = "btn wait" > < img src = "images/preload.gif" > Please wait...< / button > < / div >
< div id = "cancel_ax2" > < button type = "button" class = "btn cancel" onclick = "closeForm_ax2_message4()" > Cancel< / button >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "footer" >
< p > Open source hardware and software. Visit https://www.meezenest.nl/mees for more information.< / p >
< / div >
@ -784,6 +1055,37 @@
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax1_message4").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax2_message0() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message0").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax2_message0() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message0").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax2_message1() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message1").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax2_message1() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message1").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax2_message2() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message2").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax2_message2() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message2").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax2_message3() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message3").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax2_message3() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message3").style.display = "none";
function openForm_ax2_message4() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message4").style.display = "block";
function closeForm_ax2_message4() {
document.getElementById("popupForm_ax2_message4").style.display = "none";
function show_send_messages() {
document.getElementById("main_page").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("received_messages").style.display = "none";
@ -820,6 +1122,41 @@
modify this software provided this
notice appears on all copies.
function SubmitClicked_ax2_message0()
document.getElementById("submit_ax2_message0").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax2_message0").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax2_message0").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
function SubmitClicked_ax2_message1()
document.getElementById("submit_ax2_message1").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax2_message1").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax2_message1").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
}function SubmitClicked_ax2_message2()
document.getElementById("submit_ax2_message2").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax2_message2").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax2_message2").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
function SubmitClicked_ax2_message3()
document.getElementById("submit_ax2_message3").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax2_message3").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax2_message3").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
function SubmitClicked_ax2_message4()
document.getElementById("submit_ax2_message4").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay
document.getElementById("submit_done_ax2_message4").style.display = "block"; // to display
document.getElementById("cancel_ax2_message4").style.display = "none"; // to display
return true;
function SubmitClicked_ax1_message0()
document.getElementById("submit_ax1_message0").style.display = "none"; // to undisplay