31 changed files with 1638 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
# Changelog |
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. |
Added : for new features. |
Changed : for changes in existing functionality. |
Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features. |
Removed : for now removed features. |
Fixed : for any bug fixes. |
Security : in case of vulnerabilities. |
## [1.0.0] - 2022-10-28 |
First working version. |
@ -1,3 +1,56 @@ |
# victron_mqqt_exporter |
# Prometheus exporter for Victron MQTT devices |
A purposely build Prometheus exporter for Victron Energy Cerbo GX MQTT devices |
A purposely build Prometheus exporter for Victron Energy Cerbo GX MQTT devices. |
(C) 2022 M. Konstapel |
Based on the General purpose Prometheus exporter for MQTT from Frederic Hemberger. |
( |
Subscribes to one or more MQTT topics, and lets you configure prometheus metrics based on pattern matching. |
## Features |
- Converts JSON string from Victron MQTT device topics to value readable by Prometheus. |
- Sends keepalive signal to Victron Energy Cerbo GX MQTT device (every 30 seconds). |
- Supported Metrics: |
- standard metrics |
- Gauge, Counter, Histogram, Summary |
- additional |
- **Counter (Absolute):** |
- Same as Counter, but working with absolute numbers received from MQTT. Which is far more common, than sending the diff in each publish. |
- e.g. a network counter or a rain sensor |
- **Enum:** |
- is a metric type not so common, details can be found in the [OpenMetrics docs]( and [Python client code]( |
- Allows to track as state by a know set of strings describing the state, e.g. `on/off` or `high/medium/low` |
- Common sources would be a light switch oder a door lock. |
- Comprehensive rewriting for topic, value/payload and labels |
- similar to prometheus label rewrites |
- regex allows almost every conversion |
- e.g. to |
- remove units or other strings from payload |
- convert topic hierarchy into labels |
- normalize labels |
- check example configs `./exampleconf` and the configs in `./test/test_data/` |
## Usage |
- Create a folder to hold the config (default: `conf/`) |
- Add metric config(s) in YAML format to the folder. Files are combined and read as a single config. (See `exampleconf/metric_example.yaml` for details) |
- Install dependencies with `pip3 install -r requirements-frozen.txt` |
- Run `./` |
## Python dependencies |
- paho-mqtt |
- prometheus-client |
- PyYAML |
- yamlreader |
## TODO |
- Add persistence of metrics on restart |
- forget/age out metrics receiving no updates anymore |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
# Config file for MQTT prometheus exporter |
# Logging |
#logging: |
# logfile: '' # Optional default '' (stdout) |
# level: 'info' # Optional default 'info' |
# MQTT All values default to paho.mqtt.client defaults |
mqtt: |
host: '' # Optional default 'localhost' |
# port: 1883 # Optional default '1883' |
# keepalive: 60 # Optional |
# auth: # Optional If included, username_pw_set() is called with user/password |
# username: 'user' # Required (when auth is present) |
# password: 'pass' # Optional |
# tls: # Optional If included, tls_set() is called with the following: |
# ca_certs: # Optional |
# certfile: # Optional |
# keyfile: # Optional |
# cert_reqs: # Optional |
# tls_version: # Optional |
# ciphers: # Optional |
# Prometheus |
#prometheus: |
# exporter_port: # Optional default 9344 |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
# Example metric definition |
metrics: |
- name: 'battery_soc' # Required(unique, if multiple, only last entry is kept) |
help: 'state of charge in percentage' # Required |
type: 'gauge' # Required ('gauge', 'counter', 'summary' or 'histogram') |
topic: 'N/+/battery/512/Soc' |
- name: 'grid_energy_forward' |
help: 'imported energy in kWh' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: 'N/+/grid/30/Ac/Energy/Forward' |
- name: 'grid_energy_reverse' |
help: 'exported energy in kWh' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: 'N/+/grid/30/Ac/Energy/Reverse' |
- name: 'grid_power' |
help: 'grid power in Watts' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: 'N/+/grid/30/Ac/Power' |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
# Config file for MQTT prometheus exporter |
# Logging |
#logging: |
# logfile: '' # Optional default '' (stdout) |
# level: 'info' # Optional default 'info' |
# MQTT All values default to paho.mqtt.client defaults |
#mqtt: |
# host: '' # Optional default 'localhost' |
# port: 1883 # Optional default '1883' |
# keepalive: 60 # Optional |
# auth: # Optional If included, username_pw_set() is called with user/password |
# username: 'user' # Required (when auth is present) |
# password: 'pass' # Optional |
# tls: # Optional If included, tls_set() is called with the following: |
# ca_certs: # Optional |
# certfile: # Optional |
# keyfile: # Optional |
# cert_reqs: # Optional |
# tls_version: # Optional |
# ciphers: # Optional |
# Prometheus |
#prometheus: |
# exporter_port: # Optional default 9344 |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# histogram metric. with Buckets <= 0.5, 5, 10, +inf |
- name: 'network_ping_ms' |
help: 'ping response in ms' |
type: 'histogram' |
topic: 'network/+/+/ping' |
parameters: |
buckets: |
- 0.5 |
- 5 |
- 10 |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "network" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/[^/]+/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "server" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
# Example metric definition |
metrics: |
- name: 'mqtt_example' # Required(unique, if multiple, only last entry is kept) |
help: 'MQTT example gauge' # Required |
type: 'gauge' # Required ('gauge', 'counter', 'summary' or 'histogram') |
#parameters: # Optional parameters for certain metrics |
# buckets: # Optional (Passed as 'buckets' argument to Histogram) |
# - .1 |
# - 1.0 |
# - 10.0 |
# states: # Optional (Passes as 'states' arguments to Enum) |
# - on |
# - off |
topic: 'example/topic/+' # Required |
# Inspired by '<relabel_config>' |
# "__msg_topic__" and "__value__" are populated with msg topic and value. And "__topic__" is 'topic' from config. |
# Supported actions are: 'replace', 'keep' and 'drop' |
# All labels starting with "__" will be removed, and "__topic__" and "__value__" is copied into "topic" anv "value" |
# after all label configs have been applied. |
label_configs: # Optional |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] # Required (when label_configs is present) |
separator: '/' # Optional default ';' |
regex: '(.*)' # Optional default '(.*)' |
target_label: '__topic__' # Required (when label_configs is present and 'action' = 'replace') |
replacement: '\1' # Optional default '\1' |
action: 'replace' # Optional default 'replace' |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
# Config file for Mosquitto broker system metrics |
# Metric definitions |
metrics: |
- name: 'mqtt_broker' |
help: 'System events from broker' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/#' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
regex: '^(\d+([,.]\d*)?)$|^([,.]\d+)$' |
action: 'keep' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_version' |
help: 'Mosquitto version (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/version' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
regex: '^\D+((?:\d+[\.]?)+)$' |
target_label: 'version' |
replacement: '\1' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_changeset' |
help: 'Mosquitto build changeset (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/changeset' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
target_label: 'changeset' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_timestamp' |
help: 'Mosquitto build timestamp (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/timestamp' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
target_label: 'timestamp' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# metric for a switch with the state on and off. |
# states are case sensitive and must match exactly |
# use label_config to rewrite other values, see below. |
metrics: |
- name: "fhem_light_state" |
help: "Light state on/off" |
type: "enum" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/light" |
parameters: |
states: |
- 'on' |
- 'off' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] # replace uppercase ON and 0 with on |
regex: "(ON|0)" |
target_label: '__value__' |
replacement: 'on' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] # replace uppercase OFF und 1 with off |
regex: "(OFF|1)" |
target_label: '__value__' |
replacement: 'off' |
action: "replace" |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
paho-mqtt |
prometheus-client |
yamlreader |
pytest |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
paho-mqtt==1.5.1 |
prometheus-client==0.11.0 |
PyYAML==5.4.1 |
six==1.16.0 |
yamlreader==3.0.4 |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
paho-mqtt |
prometheus-client |
yamlreader |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
# Tests with pytest |
make sure pytest is installed `pip install -r requirements-dev.txt` |
run `pytest -s -o log_cli=true -o log_cli_level="DEBUG"` from the repository root |
## |
This test loads test mqtt data from a file and feeds it into mqtt_exporter and check if expected results are recorded in the prometheus client. |
### directory structure |
Test data is loaded from following directory structure: |
``` |
./tests/ |
./test_data/ |
./test1/ |
conf.yaml |
mqtt_msg.csv |
./test2/ |
conf.yaml |
mqtt_msg.csv |
./test_xyz/ |
conf.yaml |
mqtt_msg.csv |
./tmp_data |
[metric_test...##,txt] |
``` |
In `test-data` each subfolder (e.g. `test1`, `test_bla`) contains a separate set of test data. There is no naming convention for folders. The could be descriptive like `test_for_issue1234`. Avoid any special characters and white spaces. |
Files: |
- `conf.yaml`: a config like a config for mqtt_exporter itself, but only the `metrics` part and a new optional attribute `timescale` is read from it. |
- `mqtt_msg.csv`: fake mqtt data, format description see below. |
`tmp-data` contains prometheus scrape output from after each processed mqtt msg data. This folder will be cleaned before each test run. |
### mqtt_msg.csv file format |
`mqtt_msg.csv` is a CSV file with `;` as delimiter and `'` as quotation character. |
Following Column looks are expected: |
``` |
in_topic;in_payload;out_name;out_labels;out_value;delay;assert |
``` |
- `in_topic`: topic as from mqtt server |
- `in_payload`: payload from mqtt server as string (will be converted byte array) |
- `out_name`: metric name without any suffix like `total`, `sum`, `bucket`, ... |
- `out_labels`: labels notes as a JSON string including the topic. |
- `out_value`: expected value for simple metrics like gauge it is a number. For other metrics is is a JSON string with expected values per suffix e.g. `{"_count": 10, "_sum": 85.55, "_bucket": 10}` |
- `delay`: seconds delay until the next mqtt msg is processed. The `timescale` config attribute speed up/slow down the delay. A time scale of 0 means no default, a timescale of 1 means realtime. Default timescale = 0 |
- `assert`: `True/False`. Specify if the test should pass or not. In most cases this should be `True` |
Metric type `Histogram` special handling here as it will log a `$(metric_name)_bucket` metric for each bucket with a reserved label `le` in the meaning of _less or equal_. Specify `le` for one bucket and set the expected count to the `bucket` attribute in the `out_value` JSON. See examples in `test1`. |
For sample data see existing tests above. |
### Gather test data from live environment |
If logging level is set to `debug` the log will contain some lines that should be already correct formatted to be placed in a `mqtt_msq.csv`. |
they look like this: |
``` |
2021-08-08 22:24:36,996 DEBUG: TEST_DATA: fhem/Terrasse/TermPearl02/humidity; 21.0; fhem_humidity_percent; {"location": "paz", "topic": "fhem/paz/TermPearl01/humidity"}; 17.0; 0; True |
2021-08-08 22:24:30,601 DEBUG: TEST_DATA: fhem/Terrasse/TerrasseWeiss/humidity; 20.0; fhem_humidity_percent; {"location": "paz", "topic": "fhem/paz/TermPearl01/humidity"}; 17.0; 0; True |
2021-08-08 22:24:27,097 DEBUG: TEST_DATA: fhem/Garten/TermFetanten01/temperature; 16.7; fhem_temperature_celsius; {"location": "Terrasse", "topic": "fhem/Terrasse/TerrasseWeiss/temperature"}; 16.0; 0; True |
2021-08-08 22:23:58,831 DEBUG: TEST_DATA: fhem/paz/TermPearl01/humidity; 17.0; fhem_humidity_percent; {"location": "paz", "topic": "fhem/paz/TermPearl01/humidity"}; 17.0; 0; True |
``` |
Tips: |
- remove `.* DEBUG: TEST_DATA: `. |
- Make sure the `mqtt_msg.csv` contains as first line the headers given above. |
- The captured data won't fit if the `payload/__value__` has been replaced by a label_config. Please set `in_payload` to the correct value manually. An example for this exception is the `- name: 'mqtt_broker_version'` metric from the example configurations. |
- put the data in a new subfolder in the `test_data` dir. Copy also the config file from the live environment to this folder (you should remove the `mqtt` part from it. Make also sure the recorded data don't contain sensitive data). |
- Create a PR and share the test data, as this will allow all developers to verify code changes. |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
# Logging |
logging: |
# logfile: 'conf/mqttexperter.log' # Optional default '' (stdout) |
level: 'debug' # Optional default 'info' |
timescale: 0 |
# Metric definitions |
metrics: |
- name: 'ftp_transferred_bytes' |
help: 'data transferred in bytes pe file' |
type: 'summary' |
topic: 'ftp/+/transferred' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "ftp/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "file" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: 'network_ping_ms' |
help: 'ping response in ms' |
type: 'histogram' |
topic: 'network/+/+/ping' |
buckets: '0.5,5,10' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "network" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/[^/]+/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "server" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: "fhem_temperature_celsius" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, Temperature in C" |
type: "gauge" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/temperature" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: "fhem_humidity_percent" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, Humidity in %" |
type: "gauge" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/humidity" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: "fhem_rain_mm" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, rain in mm/m2" |
type: "counter" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/rain_total" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
unable to load file from base commit
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
# Config file for MQTT prometheus exporter |
# Metric definitions |
metrics: |
# - name: 'mqtt_broker' |
# help: 'System events from broker' |
# type: 'gauge' |
# topic: '$SYS/broker/#' |
# label_configs: |
# - source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
# target_label: '__topic__' |
# - source_labels: ['__value__'] |
# regex: '^(\d+([,.]\d*)?)$|^([,.]\d+)$' |
# action: 'keep' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_version' |
help: 'Mosquitto version (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/version' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
regex: '^\D+((?:\d+[\.]?)+)$' |
target_label: 'version' |
replacement: '\1' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_changeset' |
help: 'Mosquitto build changeset (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/changeset' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
target_label: 'changeset' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
- name: 'mqtt_broker_timestamp' |
help: 'Mosquitto build timestamp (static)' |
type: 'gauge' |
topic: '$SYS/broker/timestamp' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
target_label: 'timestamp' |
action: 'replace' |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
replacement: '1' |
target_label: '__value__' |
action: 'replace' |
- name: "fhem_temperature_celsius" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, Temperature in C" |
type: "gauge" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/temperature" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: "fhem_humidity_percent" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, Humidity in %" |
type: "gauge" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/humidity" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: "fhem_rain_mm" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, rain in mm/m2" |
type: "counter" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/rain_total" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
unable to load file from base commit
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
# Logging |
logging: |
# logfile: 'conf/mqttexperter.log' # Optional default '' (stdout) |
level: 'debug' # Optional default 'info' |
timescale: 0 |
# Metric definitions |
metrics: |
- name: "fhem_rain_mm" |
help: "443 Mhz Sensors, rain in mm/m2" |
type: "counter_absolute" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/rain_total" |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
unable to load file from base commit
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
# Logging |
logging: |
# logfile: 'conf/mqttexperter.log' # Optional default '' (stdout) |
level: 'debug' # Optional default 'info' |
timescale: 0 |
# Metric definitions |
metrics: |
- name: "fhem_light_state" |
help: "Light state on/off" |
type: "enum" |
topic: "fhem/+/+/light" |
parameters: |
states: |
- 'on' |
- 'off' |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
regex: "(ON|0)" |
target_label: '__value__' |
replacement: 'on' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ['__value__'] |
regex: "(OFF|1)" |
target_label: '__value__' |
replacement: 'off' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "fhem/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "location" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- name: 'network_ping_ms' |
help: 'ping response in ms' |
type: 'histogram' |
topic: 'network/+/+/ping' |
parameters: |
buckets: |
- 0.5 |
- 5 |
- 10 |
label_configs: |
- source_labels: ['__msg_topic__'] |
target_label: '__topic__' |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "network" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
- source_labels: ["__msg_topic__"] |
regex: "network/[^/]+/([^/]+).*" |
target_label: "server" |
replacement: '\1' |
action: "replace" |
unable to load file from base commit
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
""" |
py test testing for mqtt_exporter |
""" |
import csv |
import distutils.util |
import json |
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError |
import os |
import time |
import logging |
import prometheus_client as prometheus |
import prometheus_client.registry |
import mqtt_exporter |
import pytest |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
TMP_DIR=os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(__file__), |
'tmp_data' |
) |
DATA_DIR=os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(__file__), |
'test_data' |
) |
def setup_module(module): #pylint: disable=unused-argument |
""" setup any state specific to the execution of the given module.""" |
delete_temp_test_files() |
def delete_temp_test_files(): |
# delete TEMP files |
for file in os.listdir(TMP_DIR): |
if file == '.gitkeep': |
continue |
os.remove(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, file)) |
class MqttCVS: |
in_topic = "in_topic" |
in_payload = "in_payload" |
out_name = "out_name" |
out_labels = "out_labels" |
out_value = "out_value" |
delay = "delay" |
expected_assert = "assert" |
def _get_mqtt_data(file_name): |
""" |
Reads mqtt fake data and expected results from file |
""" |
mqtt_data = [] |
with open(file_name, newline='') as mqtt_data_csv: |
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(mqtt_data_csv, quotechar="'", delimiter=';') |
for row in csv_reader: |
row[MqttCVS.in_topic] = row[MqttCVS.in_topic].strip() |
row[MqttCVS.out_name] = row[MqttCVS.out_name].strip() |
# covert payloud to bytes, as in a MQTT Message |
row[MqttCVS.in_payload] = row[MqttCVS.in_payload].encode('UTF-8') |
# parse labels, to a python object. |
try: |
row[MqttCVS.out_labels] = json.loads(row.get(MqttCVS.out_labels, '{}')) |
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as jde: |
logging.error(f"json.decoder.JSONDecodeError while decoding {row.get(MqttCVS.out_labels, '{}')}") |
raise jde |
# Value could be a JSON, a float or anthing else. |
try: |
row[MqttCVS.out_value] = float(row.get(MqttCVS.out_value)) |
except ValueError: |
try: |
row[MqttCVS.out_value] = json.loads(row.get(MqttCVS.out_value)) |
except (JSONDecodeError, TypeError): |
pass # leave as it is |
# set delay to 0 if not a number |
try: |
row[MqttCVS.delay] = float(row.get(MqttCVS.delay, 0)) |
except ValueError: |
row[MqttCVS.delay] = 0 |
# convert string to bool for expected assertion. |
row[MqttCVS.expected_assert] = bool( |
distutils.util.strtobool(row.get(MqttCVS.expected_assert, "True").strip())) |
mqtt_data.append(row) |
return mqtt_data |
def _get_test_data(): |
""" |
Reads test data from DATA_DIR sub directories. |
Each subdirectory is expected to contain a `conf.yaml` file with a metrics config (like in the config file) |
and a CSV file `mqtt_msg.csv` with fake mqtt data ";" delimited: |
`in_topic;in_payload;out_name;out_labels;out_value;delay;assert` |
where |
lables_out: json string with all expected lables |
delay: delay until the next line is processed |
assert: expected assert result, True if out_value matches prometheus metric |
""" |
test_data_sets = [] |
test_data_dirs = [f.path for f in os.scandir(DATA_DIR) if f.is_dir()] |
test_names = [ os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(name)) for name in test_data_dirs] |
for test_data_dir in test_data_dirs: |
conf_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'conf.yaml') |
mqtt_data_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'mqtt_msg.csv') |
if not os.path.isfile(conf_file) or not os.path.isfile(mqtt_data_file): |
logging.error(f"Test data dir {test_data_dir} doesn't contain required files, skipping") |
continue |
config_yaml = mqtt_exporter._read_config(conf_file) |
config_yaml = mqtt_exporter._parse_config_and_add_defaults(config_yaml) |
test_data_sets.append(( |
config_yaml['metrics'], |
_get_mqtt_data(mqtt_data_file), |
config_yaml.get('timescale', 0), |
)) |
return test_names, test_data_sets |
def _get_suffixes_by_metric_name(metrics, metric_name): |
metric_type = None |
for _, outer_metric in metrics.items(): |
for metric in outer_metric: |
if metric['name'] == metric_name: |
metric_type = metric['type'] |
break |
for suffix in mqtt_exporter.SUFFIXES_PER_TYPE[metric_type]: |
if len(suffix) == 0: |
yield suffix |
else: |
yield f"_{suffix}" |
class FakeMSG(): |
""""Simulate MQTT Msg""" |
def __init__(self, topic, payload) -> None: |
self.topic = topic |
self.payload = payload |
param_test_data_dirs, param_test_data_sets = _get_test_data() |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("metrics,mqtt_data_set,timescale", param_test_data_sets, ids=param_test_data_dirs) |
def test_update_metrics(caplog, request, metrics, mqtt_data_set, timescale): |
""" |
reads a label_config and some mqtt data and asserts if they are in the metrics |
""" |
||||"Start test_update_metrics with ID {}") |
# reset prometheus registry between tests |
collectors = list(prometheus.REGISTRY._collector_to_names.keys()) |
for collector in collectors: |
prometheus.REGISTRY.unregister(collector) |
i = 1 |
for mqtt_data in mqtt_data_set: |
msg = FakeMSG(mqtt_data[MqttCVS.in_topic], mqtt_data[MqttCVS.in_payload]) |
mqtt_exporter._on_message(None, metrics, msg) |
prometheus.REGISTRY.collect() |
prometheus.write_to_textfile(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, f"metric_{}_{i:02}.txt"), prometheus.REGISTRY) |
# depending on metric type one or more metrics with different suffixes are added. |
for suffix in _get_suffixes_by_metric_name(metrics, mqtt_data[MqttCVS.out_name]): |
# historgram with buckets need special handling, remove bucket labe label 'le' |
labels = mqtt_data[MqttCVS.out_labels].copy() |
if not suffix == "_bucket" and labels.get('le'): |
labels.pop('le') |
expected_result = mqtt_data[MqttCVS.out_value] |
expected_result = expected_result if not isinstance(expected_result, dict) else expected_result[suffix] |
||||"Assert {mqtt_data[MqttCVS.out_name]}{suffix} from testdata record {i}") |
assert ( prometheus.REGISTRY.get_sample_value( |
f"{mqtt_data[MqttCVS.out_name]}{suffix}", |
labels |
) == expected_result ) == mqtt_data[MqttCVS.expected_assert] |
time.sleep(mqtt_data[MqttCVS.delay] * timescale) |
i += 1 |
for record in caplog.records: |
assert record.levelno < logging.ERROR |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
""" |
Pytest for prometheus client enhancements |
""" |
import os |
import logging |
import time |
import pytest |
from utils.prometheus_additions import CounterAbsolute |
import prometheus_client as prometheus |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
TMP_DIR=os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(__file__), |
'tmp_data' |
) |
DATA_DIR=os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(__file__), |
'test_data' |
) |
@pytest.fixture(scope="class") |
def get_registry(): |
yield prometheus.REGISTRY |
# reset prometheus registry between tests |
collectors = list(prometheus.REGISTRY._collector_to_names.keys()) |
for collector in collectors: |
prometheus.REGISTRY.unregister(collector) |
old_creation_time = 0.0 |
class TestCounterWithReset: |
a_counter_absolute = CounterAbsolute('Absolute_Counter', 'Test metric' ) |
old_creation_time = 0.0 |
param_test_data_sets = [ |
(10, False), |
(10, True), |
(11, True), |
(110, True), |
(110, True), |
(210, True), |
(310.7, True), |
(110, False), |
(210, True), |
(310.7, True), |
] |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value, same_creation_time", param_test_data_sets) |
def test_counter_absolute(self, request, get_registry, value, same_creation_time): |
global old_creation_time |
self.a_counter_absolute.set(value) |
creation_time = self.a_counter_absolute._created |
||||"Creation time: {creation_time:e}") |
registry = get_registry |
registry.collect() |
prometheus.write_to_textfile(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, f"absolute_counter_{}_{value:05}.txt"), prometheus.REGISTRY) |
assert self.a_counter_absolute._value.get() == value |
assert (creation_time == old_creation_time ) == same_creation_time |
old_creation_time = creation_time |
time.sleep(0.005) |
class TestCounterRestForbidden: |
a_counter_absolute = CounterAbsolute('Strict_Absolute_Counter', "This Counters doesn't allow reset") |
def test_counter_reset(self): |
val_first = 0.3324234 |
val_second = 0.3324233 |
self.a_counter_absolute.set(val_first, fail_on_decrease=True) |
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=rf"Counter must increase {val_second} lower {val_first}"): |
self.a_counter_absolute.set(val_second, fail_on_decrease=True) |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
""" |
Additions and enhancements to the prometheus_client package |
""" |
import prometheus_client as prometheus |
class CounterAbsolute(prometheus.Counter): |
""" |
CounterAbsolute allows to set the Counter by an absolute value like Gauge, but data is |
handled properly if counter resets or over flows. |
CounterAbsolute is typically used if values need to by proxied from another source e.g. |
a network counter, SMTP or MQTT data which return increasing but absolute numbers |
instead of a diff. |
As Counter must not decrease, setting CounterAbsolute to a lower value is handled as follows: |
A counter overflow or a reset is assumed and the create timestamp gets reset and internally |
a new Value object created. |
An example for a CounterAbsolute: |
from prometheus_client import Counter |
c = CounterAbsolute('my_failures_total', 'Description of counter') |
c.set(1123.63213) # Set to an absolute value. If lower than last value, Counter gets reset. |
""" |
_type = 'counter' |
def set(self, value, fail_on_decrease=False): |
"""Increment counter to the given amount.""" |
self._raise_if_not_observable() |
if value < 0: |
raise ValueError('Counters can be a positive number only.') |
if value >= self._value.get(): |
self._value.set(float(value)) |
else: |
if fail_on_decrease: |
raise ValueError(f"Counter must increase {value} lower {self._value.get()}") |
else: |
self._metric_init() |
self._value.set(float(value)) |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
""" |
Version of the whole project. |
""" |
__version__ = "1.0.0" |
@ -0,0 +1,649 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
''' |
A purposely build Prometheus exporter for Victron Energy Cerbo GX MQTT devices |
(C) 2022 M. Konstapel |
Based on the General purpose Prometheus exporter for MQTT from Frederic Hemberger |
( |
MIT License |
Copyright (c) 2018 Bendik Wang Andreassen |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all |
copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
''' |
from copy import deepcopy |
import json |
from collections import defaultdict |
import logging |
import argparse |
import os |
import re |
import operator |
import time |
import signal |
import sys |
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt |
from import Properties |
from paho.mqtt.packettypes import PacketTypes |
import yaml |
import prometheus_client as prometheus |
from yamlreader import yaml_load |
import utils.prometheus_additions |
import version |
VERSION = version.__version__ |
"gauge": [], |
"counter": ['total'], |
"counter_absolute": ['total'], |
"summary": ['sum', 'count'], |
"histogram": ['sum', 'count', 'bucket'], |
"enum": [], |
} |
def _read_config(config_path): |
"""Read config file from given location, and parse properties""" |
if config_path is not None: |
if os.path.isfile(config_path): |
||||'Config file found at: {config_path}') |
try: |
with open(config_path, 'r') as f: |
return yaml.safe_load( |
except yaml.YAMLError: |
logging.exception('Failed to parse configuration file:') |
elif os.path.isdir(config_path): |
|||| |
f'Config directory found at: {config_path}') |
try: |
return yaml_load(config_path) |
except yaml.YAMLError: |
logging.exception('Failed to parse configuration directory:') |
return {} |
def _parse_config_and_add_defaults(config_from_file): |
"""Parse content of configfile and add default values where needed""" |
config = deepcopy(config_from_file) |
logging.debug(f'_parse_config Config from file: {str(config_from_file)}') |
# Logging values ('logging' is optional in config |
if 'logging' in config_from_file: |
config['logging'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
config_from_file['logging'], {'logfile': '', 'level': 'info'}) |
else: |
config['logging'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
None, {'logfile': '', 'level': 'info'}) |
# MQTT values |
if 'mqtt' in config_from_file: |
config['mqtt'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
config_from_file['mqtt'], {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 1883}) |
else: |
config['mqtt'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
None, {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 1883}) |
if 'auth' in config['mqtt']: |
config['mqtt']['auth'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
config['mqtt']['auth'], {}) |
_validate_required_fields(config['mqtt']['auth'], 'auth', ['username']) |
if 'tls' in config['mqtt']: |
config['mqtt']['tls'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
config['mqtt']['tls'], {}) |
# Prometheus values |
if 'prometheus' in config: |
config['prometheus'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
config_from_file['prometheus'], {'exporter_port': 9344}) |
else: |
config['prometheus'] = _add_config_and_defaults( |
None, {'exporter_port': 9344}) |
metrics = {} |
if not 'metrics' in config_from_file: |
logging.critical('No metrics defined in config. Aborting.') |
sys.exit(1) |
for metric in config_from_file['metrics']: |
parse_and_validate_metric_config(metric, metrics) |
config['metrics'] = _group_by_topic(list(metrics.values())) |
return config |
def parse_and_validate_metric_config(metric, metrics): |
m = _add_config_and_defaults(metric, {}) |
_validate_required_fields(m, None, ['name', 'help', 'type', 'topic']) |
if 'label_configs' in m and m['label_configs']: |
label_configs = [] |
for lc in m['label_configs']: |
if lc: |
lc = _add_config_and_defaults(lc, {'separator': ';', 'regex': '^(.*)$', 'replacement': '\\1', |
'action': 'replace'}) |
if lc['action'] == 'replace': |
_validate_required_fields(lc, None, |
['source_labels', 'target_label', 'separator', 'regex', 'replacement', |
'action']) |
else: |
_validate_required_fields(lc, None, |
['source_labels', 'separator', 'regex', 'replacement', |
'action']) |
label_configs.append(lc) |
m['label_configs'] = label_configs |
# legacy config handling move 'buckets' to params directory |
if m.get('buckets'): |
m.setdefault('parameters', {})['buckets'] = (m['buckets']) |
metrics[m['name']] = m |
def _validate_required_fields(config, parent, required_fields): |
"""Fail if required_fields is not present in config""" |
for field in required_fields: |
if field not in config or config[field] is None: |
if parent is None: |
error = f'\'{field}\' is a required field in configfile' |
else: |
error = f'\'{field}\' is a required parameter for field {parent} in configfile' |
raise TypeError(error) |
def _add_config_and_defaults(config, defaults): |
"""Return dict with values from config, if present, or values from defaults""" |
if config is not None: |
defaults.update(config) |
return defaults.copy() |
def _strip_config(config, allowed_keys): |
return {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k in allowed_keys and v} |
def _group_by_topic(metrics): |
"""Group metrics by topic""" |
t = defaultdict(list) |
for metric in metrics: |
t[metric['topic']].append(metric) |
return t |
def _topic_matches(topic1, topic2): |
"""Check if wildcard-topics match""" |
if topic1 == topic2: |
return True |
# If topic1 != topic2 and no wildcard is present in topic1, no need for regex |
if '+' not in topic1 and '#' not in topic1: |
return False |
logging.debug( |
f'_topic_matches: Topic1: {topic1}, Topic2: {topic2}') |
topic1 = re.escape(topic1) |
regex = topic1.replace('/\\#', '.*$').replace('\\+', '[^/]+') |
match = re.match(regex, topic2) |
logging.debug(f'_topic_matches: Match: {match is not None}') |
return match is not None |
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection |
def _log_setup(logging_config): |
"""Setup application logging""" |
logfile = logging_config['logfile'] |
log_level = logging_config['level'] |
numeric_level = logging.getLevelName(log_level.upper()) |
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): |
raise TypeError(f'Invalid log level: {log_level}') |
if logfile != '': |
||||"Logging redirected to: {logfile}") |
# Need to replace the current handler on the root logger: |
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, 'a') |
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') |
file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) |
log = logging.getLogger() # root logger |
for handler in log.handlers: # remove all old handlers |
log.removeHandler(handler) |
log.addHandler(file_handler) |
else: |
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') |
logging.getLogger().setLevel(numeric_level) |
||||'log_level set to: {log_level}') |
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal |
def _on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,invalid-name |
"""The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server.""" |
||||'Connected to broker, result code {str(rc)}') |
for topic in userdata.keys(): |
client.subscribe(topic) |
||||'Subscribing to topic: {topic}') |
def _label_config_match(label_config, labels): |
"""Action 'keep' and 'drop' in label_config: Matches joined 'source_labels' to 'regex'""" |
source = label_config['separator'].join( |
[labels[x] for x in label_config['source_labels']]) |
logging.debug(f'_label_config_match source: {source}') |
match = re.match(label_config['regex'], source) |
if label_config['action'] == 'keep': |
logging.debug( |
f"_label_config_match Action: {label_config['action']}, Keep msg: {match is not None}") |
return match is not None |
if label_config['action'] == 'drop': |
logging.debug( |
f"_label_config_match Action: {label_config['action']}, Drop msg: {match is not None}") |
return match is None |
else: |
logging.debug( |
f"_label_config_match Action: {label_config['action']} is not supported, metric is dropped") |
return False |
def _apply_label_config(labels, label_configs): |
"""Create/change labels based on label_config in config file.""" |
for label_config in label_configs: |
if label_config['action'] == 'replace': |
_label_config_rename(label_config, labels) |
else: |
if not _label_config_match(label_config, labels): |
return False |
return True |
def _label_config_rename(label_config, labels): |
"""Action 'rename' in label_config: Add/change value for label 'target_label'""" |
source = label_config['separator'].join( |
[labels[x] for x in label_config['source_labels']]) |
if re.match(re.compile(label_config['regex']), source): |
logging.debug(f'_label_config_rename source: {source}') |
result = re.sub(label_config['regex'], |
label_config['replacement'], source) |
logging.debug(f'_label_config_rename result: {result}') |
labels[label_config['target_label']] = result |
def convert_victron_value(victron_value): |
"""Convert value from Victron Cerbo GX (which is a JSON string) to an actual numeric value. The format from Victron MQTT is JSON: {"value": 0} """ |